Vb.net 如何使用Chilkat DLL从Google驱动器文件夹中获取文件夹ID

Vb.net 如何使用Chilkat DLL从Google驱动器文件夹中获取文件夹ID,vb.net,winforms,google-drive-api,chilkat,Vb.net,Winforms,Google Drive Api,Chilkat,我正在使用ChilKat开发一个使用VB.NET的工具,该工具可以将单个文件上传到我的google drive帐户。 我可以在根文件夹中获取文件夹ID,但是如果有文件夹路径,我很难获取文件夹ID 此时,参数FolderPath未被使用(我将在了解如何正确获取FolderID时使用)。目前,我可以获取“Nova”文件夹id,但以下目录树中的其他文件夹都没有: 有没有更简单的方法从Google Drive获取folderID? 我还想在谷歌硬盘上创建文件夹的路径,以防它们不存在 我从未处理过JSO

我正在使用ChilKat开发一个使用VB.NET的工具,该工具可以将单个文件上传到我的google drive帐户。 我可以在根文件夹中获取文件夹ID,但是如果有文件夹路径,我很难获取文件夹ID


有没有更简单的方法从Google Drive获取folderID? 我还想在谷歌硬盘上创建文件夹的路径,以防它们不存在

我从未处理过JSON或HTTP请求,所以我在这里有点不知所措。 任何帮助都将不胜感激! 提前谢谢

Private Function FolderID(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String

    Dim rest As New Chilkat.Rest

    '  Connect using TLS.
    Dim success As Boolean = rest.Connect("www.googleapis.com", 443, True, True)

    '  Provide the authentication credentials (i.e. the access token)
    Dim gAuth As New Chilkat.AuthGoogle
    gAuth.AccessToken = M_AccessToken

    Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject
    json.EmitCompact = False

    '  Get the folder Testes folder that is in the Google Drive root.
    rest.AddQueryParam("q", "'root' in parents and name='Testes'")
    Dim jsonResponse As String = rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
    If Not rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
        Return rest.LastErrorText
        Exit Function
    End If



    '  Now that we know the ID for the Testes directory, get the id for the folder Nova having Testes as the parent.
    Dim sbQuery As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
    sbQuery.Append("name = 'nova' and '")
    sbQuery.Append("' in parents")

    rest.AddQueryParamSb("q", sbQuery)

    jsonResponse = rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
    If Not rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
        Return (rest.LastErrorText)
        Exit Function
    End If


    Return json.StringOf("files[0].id")

End Function

我通过执行迭代请求管理了一种方法。 不知道这是否是正确的方法,但它是有效的


Private Function GetFolderID(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String

    Dim Rest As New Chilkat.Rest

    ' Connect to Google APIs server
    Dim Connected As Boolean = Rest.Connect("www.googleapis.com", 443, True, True)
    If Not Connected Then
        Return "Error attempting to connect: " & Rest.ConnectFailReason
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Provide the Access token
    Dim GAuth As New Chilkat.AuthGoogle
    GAuth.AccessToken = M_AccessToken

    ' Instance to JSON object
    Dim JSON As New Chilkat.JsonObject
    JSON.EmitCompact = False

    ' Parse the provided path and split to array
    Dim ParseFolder As String = Strings.Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 1)
    Dim Folders As String() = Split(ParseFolder, "/")

    '  Get the root folder that is in the Google Drive folders structure
    Rest.AddQueryParam("q", "'root' in parents and name='" & Folders(0) & "'")
    Dim Response As String = Rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
    If Not Rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
        Return Rest.LastErrorText
        Exit Function
    End If

    'Iterate on the folders to get the last folder's id
    For i = 1 To Folders.Length - 1
        Dim sbQuery As New Chilkat.StringBuilder

        sbQuery.Append("name = '" & Folders(i) & "' and '")
        sbQuery.Append("' in parents")

        Rest.AddQueryParamSb("q", sbQuery)

        Response = Rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")

        If Not Rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
            Return Rest.LastErrorText
            Exit Function
        End If


    ' Get the folder id
    Return JSON.StringOf("files[0].id")

End Function