
使用VB6将缺少的节点从Treeview1添加到Treeview2,vb6,Vb6,我想扫描和匹配TreeView 2中TreeView的项目,并将子项目添加到TreeView 2中 以下是我当前的代码: Dim FoundIt As Boolean, ii As Integer, ix As Integer Dim NodX As Node, NodX2 As Node, namme As String On Error Resume Next For Each NodX In TreeView1.Nodes ii = NodX.Index For Each Nod

我想扫描和匹配TreeView 2中TreeView的项目,并将子项目添加到TreeView 2中


    Dim FoundIt As Boolean, ii As Integer, ix As Integer
Dim NodX As Node, NodX2 As Node, namme As String
On Error Resume Next

For Each NodX In TreeView1.Nodes
ii = NodX.Index
For Each NodX2 In TreeView2.Nodes
ix = NodX.Index
On Error Resume Next
If NodX.FullPath = NodX2.FullPath Then
If TreeView1.Nodes(ii).Parent.Text = TreeView2.Nodes(ix).Parent.Text Then
If TreeView1.Nodes(ii).Parent.Image = 9 And TreeView1.Nodes(ii).Image = 3 Then
namme = TreeView2.Nodes(ix).Parent.Key
TreeView2.Nodes.Add namme, tvwChild, TreeView1.Nodes(ii).Parent.Child.Text, TreeView1.Nodes(ii).Parent.Child.Text, 5
Pause 0
End If
End If
End If
'Exit For
当前,TreeView项目的父映像可能为9,子映像可能为3 基于此,我想将所有具有图像索引3的项目添加到TreeView 2中,以匹配每个项目的父子部分


Dim objNode1 As Node
Dim objNode2 As Node
Dim objMatchNode As Node
Dim objChildNode1 As Node
Dim objChildNode2 As Node
Dim iCounter1 As Integer
Dim iCounter2 As Integer
Dim fFound As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

For Each objNode1 In TreeView1.Nodes

    ' Find matching node in Treeview2
    For Each objNode2 In TreeView2.Nodes
        If objNode2.Text = objNode1.Text Then
            ' Match found
            Set objMatchNode = objNode2
            Exit For
        End If

    If Not objMatchNode Is Nothing Then

        ' Check all children
        If objNode1.Children > 0 Then

            ' Get first Child
            Set objChildNode1 = objNode1.Child

            ' Loop through all children
            For iCounter1 = 1 To objNode1.Children

                If objChildNode1.Image = 3 And objNode1.Image = 9 Then

                    ' Check if it already exists in Treeview2
                    If objMatchNode.Children > 0 Then

                        ' Get first Child
                        Set objChildNode2 = objMatchNode.Child

                        ' Set Found flag to False
                        fFound = False

                        ' Loop through all children
                        For iCounter2 = 1 To objMatchNode.Children

                            ' Check for match
                            If objChildNode2.Text = objChildNode1.Text Then
                                fFound = True
                                Exit For
                            End If

                            ' Get next node
                            Set objChildNode2 = objChildNode2.Next


                        If Not fFound Then
                            ' Add to Treeview2
                            TreeView2.Nodes.Add objMatchNode.Key, tvwChild, objChildNode1.Key, objChildNode1.Text, 3
                        End If

                    End If

                End If

                ' Get next node
                Set objChildNode1 = objChildNode1.Next


        End If

    End If

    ' Give UI some time to do other things

