Vb6 使用变量作为标签控件名称

Vb6 使用变量作为标签控件名称,vb6,Vb6,在VB6中,如何使用变量来引用控件标签,而不是使用固定名称,例如不允许循环的LUH01(如下所示) Frm_Dispo_Prof_Grille.LUH01.BackColor = &HFF00& 您可以通过以下网址查阅: 但是要小心。如果需要引用的属性/方法不是标准/内置属性/方法之一,则必须将控件强制转换为以下类型: Dim lbl as Label Set lbl = Frm_Dispo_Prof_Grille.Controls("LUH01") lbl.BackCol


Frm_Dispo_Prof_Grille.LUH01.BackColor = &HFF00&



Dim lbl as Label

Set lbl = Frm_Dispo_Prof_Grille.Controls("LUH01") 
lbl.BackColor = &HFF00





'1 form with :
'  1 command button: name=Command1  index=0

'Number of command buttons to use in the loop
Private Const NRBUTTONS As Integer = 5

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim intIndex As Integer
  'change the caption of the default button
  Command1(0).Caption = "Button 0"
  For intIndex = 1 To NRBUTTONS - 1
    'load an extra command button
    Load Command1(intIndex)
    'change the caption of the newly loaded button
    Command1(intIndex).Caption = "Button " & CStr(intIndex)
    'newly load command buttons are invisible by deafult
    'make the new command button visible
    Command1(intIndex).Visible = True
  Next intIndex
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
  'arrange all loaded command buttons via a loop
  Dim intIndex As Integer
  Dim sngWidth As Single
  Dim sngHeight As Single
  sngWidth = ScaleWidth
  sngHeight = ScaleHeight / NRBUTTONS
  For intIndex = 0 To NRBUTTONS - 1
    Command1(intIndex).Move 0, intIndex * sngHeight, sngWidth, sngHeight
  Next intIndex
End Sub
'1 form with :
'  1 command button: name=Command1  index=0

'Number of command buttons to use in the loop
Private Const NRBUTTONS As Integer = 5

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim intIndex As Integer
  'change the caption of the default button
  Command1(0).Caption = "Button 0"
  For intIndex = 1 To NRBUTTONS - 1
    'load an extra command button
    Load Command1(intIndex)
    'change the caption of the newly loaded button
    Command1(intIndex).Caption = "Button " & CStr(intIndex)
    'newly load command buttons are invisible by deafult
    'make the new command button visible
    Command1(intIndex).Visible = True
  Next intIndex
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
  'arrange all loaded command buttons via a loop
  Dim intIndex As Integer
  Dim sngWidth As Single
  Dim sngHeight As Single
  sngWidth = ScaleWidth
  sngHeight = ScaleHeight / NRBUTTONS
  For intIndex = 0 To NRBUTTONS - 1
    Command1(intIndex).Move 0, intIndex * sngHeight, sngWidth, sngHeight
  Next intIndex
End Sub