Vba 非连续范围{非工作表搜索}中的最后一行或单元格

Vba 非连续范围{非工作表搜索}中的最后一行或单元格,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,首先,这不是典型的新手问题。我正在尝试在已正确创建的区域中查找最后一行(或单元格) 在这个例子中,我用union将两个范围合并为一个范围。在整个范围内循环,我得到了我想要的数据,一切都很顺利 Sub Test() Dim unionRange As Range, currentRow As Range Set unionRange = Union(Range("A3:C5"), Range("A8:C11")) For Each currentRow In union



Sub Test()

    Dim unionRange As Range, currentRow As Range
    Set unionRange = Union(Range("A3:C5"), Range("A8:C11"))

    For Each currentRow In unionRange.Rows
        Debug.Print "Row: " & currentRow.row
    Next currentRow

End Sub

Row: 3
Row: 4
Row: 5
Row: 8
Row: 9
Row: 10
Row: 11

Sub Test()

    Dim unionRange As Range, currentRow As Range
    Set unionRange = Union(Range("A3:C5"), Range("A8:C11"))

    For Each currentRow In unionRange.Rows
        Dim lastRowIndex As Integer

        'lastRowIndex = unionRange. ???

        If currentRow.row = lastRowIndex Then
            MsgBox ("Last Row")
        End If

    Next currentRow

End Sub

    Debug.Print unionRange.Rows.Count ' 3 (should be 7)
    Debug.Print unionRange.Rows(unionRange.Rows.Count).row ' 5 (should be 11)


Sub Test()

Dim unionRange As Range, currentRow As Range
Set unionRange = Union(Range("A3:C5"), Range("A8:C11"))

For Each currentRow In unionRange.Rows
    Dim lastRowIndex As Integer

    If currentRow.Cells(1, 1).Offset(1, 0).Value = vbNullString Then
        MsgBox "Last Row in " & currentRow.Row
    End If

Next currentRow

End Sub
更新: 多亏了@AndASM,我今天才学到了一些新东西!!我对


Sub Test()

Dim unionRange As Range, currentRow As Range, subArea As Range
Set unionRange = Union(Range("A3:C5"), Range("A8:C11"))

For Each currentRow In unionRange.Rows
    For Each subArea In unionRange.Areas
        If Not Intersect(subArea, currentRow) Is Nothing Then
            If currentRow.Row = subArea.Row + subArea.Rows.Count - 1 Then
                MsgBox "Last Row in " & currentRow.Row
            End If
        End If
    Next subArea
Next currentRow

End Sub


在下面的示例中,我创建了一个函数,它为您提供非连续范围内的最后一行号。test sub将行号打印到Visual Basic for Applications编辑器中的即时窗口

Public Function GetLastRowOfNonContiguousArea(targetRange As Range) As Long
    Dim subRange As Range
    Dim maxRow As Long, areaMaxRow As Long

    maxRow = 0

    For Each subRange In targetRange.Areas
        areaMaxRow = subRange.Rows(subRange.Rows.Count).Row
        If areaMaxRow > maxRow Then maxRow = areaMaxRow
    Next subRange

    GetLastRowOfNonContiguousArea = maxRow
End Function

Public Sub test()
    Dim testRange As Range

    Set testRange = Union([A5:A9], [E20:F21], [C1:C3])

    Debug.Print GetLastRowOfNonContiguousArea(testRange)
End Sub

不,OP指定了非连续,然后通过他们的示例说明了他们的意思是非连续啊,我曾尝试使用区域的,但我没有意识到它们没有排序!我一定是选错了测试用的。不过,这正是我想知道的。不幸的是,这使得:Dim lastRowIndex作为unionRange中每个currentRow的整数。Rows lastRowIndex=currentRow。row Next currentRow似乎是更干净的解决方案。非常酷的解决方案。我有一个类似的项目,并通过保留行索引区域构建了一个变通方法,但这非常困难effective@CassieD使用areas集合应该运行得更快一些,而且也应该同样简单。因为没有比行更多的区域,而且通常比区域更多的行,所以区域循环必须运行更少的次数。@这是速度上的一个很好的点。我的代码正在处理大量数据,可能需要进一步提高速度。我今天就换。