Vba 使用“查找”删除行

Vba 使用“查找”删除行,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我试图在结果之前删除单词中的行。我试图使用Find命令,但我没有任何运气。以下是我尝试过的众多变体之一: Sub FindandDelete() Modifications = Range("A1:A1200").Find("Modifications", LookIn:=xlValues) Res = Cells.Find("Results", LookIn:=xlValues) Range("Modifications:Results").Delete End Sub


Sub FindandDelete()
    Modifications = Range("A1:A1200").Find("Modifications", LookIn:=xlValues)
    Res = Cells.Find("Results", LookIn:=xlValues)
End Sub


Sub FindandDelete()

Dim Modifications As Excel.Range
Dim Res As Excel.Range

Set Modifications = Range("A1:A1200").Find(What:="Modifications", LookIn:=xlValues)
Set Res = Range("A1:A1200").Find(What:="Results", LookIn:=xlValues)

If Not (Modifications Is Nothing) And Not (Res Is Nothing) Then
    ActiveSheet.Range(Modifications, Res).EntireRow.Delete 'ClearContents '<<edit to delete rows rather than just clear their contents
End If

End Sub


  • 您使用“Res”和“Results”来引用同一个变量
  • 您将单元格的值指定给变量,而不是指定找到这些单元格的行数
  • 那么,给你:

    Sub FindandDelete()
        Modifications = Range("A1:A1200").Find("Modifications", LookIn:=xlValues).Row
        Res = Cells.Find("Results", LookIn:=xlValues).Row
        Range(Modifications & ":" & Res).Delete
    End Sub


    Sub SomeSub()
        'Just to stay clean and make sure we're using the proper workbook/sheet
        wb = ThisWorkbook
        ws = wb.Sheets("YourSheet") 'Rename with your sheet's name
        columnOfInterest = 1 'Replace with the number of the column
        'Find the last row of that column
        last = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, columnOfInterest).End(xlUp).Row
        'Loop from the first row to the last...
        For x = 1 To last
            'And stop at the first thing that resembles "Results"...
            If ws.Cells(x, columnOfInterest) Like "*Results*" Then
                Res = x
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        'Loop from the first row to the last...
        For x = 1 To last
            'And stop at the first thing that resembles "Modifications"...
            If ws.Cells(x, columnOfInterest) Like "*Modifications*" Then
                Modif = x
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        If Res > 0 And Modif > 0 And Res > Modif Then
            'Loop from "Results" to "Modifications" (backwards, indeed) to delete the rows
            For x = Res To Modif Step -1
            Next x
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub SomeSub()
        'Just to stay clean and make sure we're using the proper workbook/sheet
        wb = ThisWorkbook
        ws = wb.Sheets("YourSheet") 'Rename with your sheet's name
        columnOfInterest = 1 'Replace with the number of the column
        'Find the last row of that column
        last = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, columnOfInterest).End(xlUp).Row
        'Loop from the first row to the last...
        For x = 1 To last
            'And stop at the first thing that resembles "Results"...
            If ws.Cells(x, columnOfInterest) Like "*Results*" Then
                Res = x
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        'Loop from the first row to the last...
        For x = 1 To last
            'And stop at the first thing that resembles "Modifications"...
            If ws.Cells(x, columnOfInterest) Like "*Modifications*" Then
                Modif = x
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        If Res > 0 And Modif > 0 And Res > Modif Then
            'Loop from "Results" to "Modifications" (backwards, indeed) to delete the rows
            For x = Res To Modif Step -1
            Next x
        End If
    End Sub