Vba 在多个工作簿中使用相同的热键

Vba 在多个工作簿中使用相同的热键,vba,excel,hotkeys,Vba,Excel,Hotkeys,我在几个工作簿模板中有一个VBA脚本,用于解锁当前(活动)工作表。我使用相同的热键,这样允许使用宏的用户就不必记住哪个热键允许他们解锁工作簿 Sub Lock_Unlock() Dim CurrentUser As String 'holds the current users Windows login Dim Approved As String Approved = "|user1|user2|user3|" 'Give CurrentUser it's


Sub Lock_Unlock() Dim CurrentUser As String 'holds the current users Windows login Dim Approved As String Approved = "|user1|user2|user3|"

 'Give CurrentUser it's value
 CurrentUser = Environ$("username")

'Check if the user is approved
If InStr(1, Approved, CurrentUser) > 0 Then
    'The user can use this macro. Check if the sheet is currently locked
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
        'It is, unlock
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=PW()
        'It isn't, relock
        ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= _
        False, Password:=PW()
    End If
'Not a user approved to use this macro, don't do anything
End If

End Sub

Function PW() As String
PW = "password"
End Function
这通常不会引起任何问题,因为大多数用户一次打开的工作簿不超过一个(而且很可能不会使用热键)。问题是,如果我打开了多个工作簿,并尝试使用热键运行VBA脚本,我当前会得到一个VBA脚本的随机实例。这会导致问题,因为工作簿之间的密码确实不同,因此如果热键启动WB X中的VBA脚本,而我在WB Y中,则会出现错误

Sub Lock_Unlock() Dim CurrentUser As String 'holds the current users Windows login Dim Approved As String Approved = "|user1|user2|user3|"

 'Give CurrentUser it's value
 CurrentUser = Environ$("username")

'Check if the user is approved
If InStr(1, Approved, CurrentUser) > 0 Then
    'The user can use this macro. Check if the sheet is currently locked
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
        'It is, unlock
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=PW()
        'It isn't, relock
        ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= _
        False, Password:=PW()
    End If
'Not a user approved to use this macro, don't do anything
End If

End Sub

Function PW() As String
PW = "password"
End Function

Sub Lock_Unlock() Dim CurrentUser As String 'holds the current users Windows login Dim Approved As String Approved = "|user1|user2|user3|"

 'Give CurrentUser it's value
 CurrentUser = Environ$("username")

'Check if the user is approved
If InStr(1, Approved, CurrentUser) > 0 Then
    'The user can use this macro. Check if the sheet is currently locked
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
        'It is, unlock
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=PW()
        'It isn't, relock
        ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= _
        False, Password:=PW()
    End If
'Not a user approved to use this macro, don't do anything
End If

End Sub

Function PW() As String
PW = "password"
End Function
根据Alter的请求,这是我的锁定解锁VBA脚本的净化版本 Sub Lock_Unlock() Dim CurrentUser As String 'holds the current users Windows login Dim Approved As String Approved = "|user1|user2|user3|"

 'Give CurrentUser it's value
 CurrentUser = Environ$("username")

'Check if the user is approved
If InStr(1, Approved, CurrentUser) > 0 Then
    'The user can use this macro. Check if the sheet is currently locked
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then
        'It is, unlock
        ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=PW()
        'It isn't, relock
        ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= _
        False, Password:=PW()
    End If
'Not a user approved to use this macro, don't do anything
End If

End Sub

Function PW() As String
PW = "password"
End Function



