excel vba筛选和分组

excel vba筛选和分组,vba,excel,filtering,grouping,Vba,Excel,Filtering,Grouping,我在excel中有这张工作表,我需要应用自动筛选 假设“合同”从A1栏开始,而“评论”从B1栏开始。见下例: Contract Comment 111 A 111 b 111 c 222 d 222 f 222 g 333 d 333 f 333 A 444 b 444 d 444 c 合同评论 11



Contract Comment 111 A 111 b 111 c 222 d 222 f 222 g 333 d 333 f 333 A 444 b 444 d 444 c 合同评论 111 A 111 b 111摄氏度 222D 222F 222克 333d 333华氏度 333A 444 b 444 d 444摄氏度 我想筛选合同,以显示合同组/合同集(合同组/合同集示例为111),其中该组/合同集中的任何合同都有注释a。请参见下文:


Contract Comment 111 A 111 b 111 c 333 d 333 f 333 A 合同评论 111 A 111 b 111摄氏度 333d 333华氏度 333A 而且我希望能够通过任何不包含“A”的评论进行过滤。结果如下:

Contract Comment 222 d 222 f 222 g 444 b 444 d 444 c 合同评论 222D 222F 222克 444 b 444 d 444摄氏度


Sub SomeSub()

    Dim MyRange As Range, CommentRng As Range, ContractRng As Range
    Dim ContainA As Variant
    Dim i As Integer, k As Integer, r As Integer

    'Getting the Total Rows of the Sheet
    With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
        LastRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
    End With

    'Setting the USedRange of the Sheet
    Set MyRange = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    'Setting the Comment and Contract Ranges
    Set CommentRng = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(LastRow, 2))
    Set ContractRng = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, 1))

    'Filtering the Comment Column
    MyRange.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="A"

    'Getting the number of visible cells in the Contract Range
    ' -1 to remove the First Row of the Comment headin
    ' -1 to set Array correctly, it Array(1) then the array( SomeValue, SomeOtherValue)
    TotalA = ContractRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 2

    'Setting the Array size
    ReDim ContainA(TotalA)
    'Setting the Array size
    ReDim NotContainA(TotalA)

    i = 0
    'For each visible cell in Column 2 "Comment"
    For Each cell In ContractRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

        'If the Value is "Comment"
        If cell.Value = "Contract" Then

            'Do nothing

            'Set the Cell value into the Array
            ContainA(i) = cell
            'Increment i
            i = i + 1
        End If

    Next cell


    'Filitering the Column 1 Data, the Criteria1 needs to be a string Array
    'Join(Array1) joins the Array as a String
    'Split then splits the String as a String array
    MyRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Split(Join(ContainA)), Operator:=xlFilterValues


    'If you want to hide the groups which contain "A"
    'There is no "FILTEROUT" function
    'so this must be done manually
    For r = 1 To LastRow

        For k = 0 To TotalA

            If Cells(r, 1) = ContainA(k) Then

                Rows(r).EntireRow.Hidden = True

            End If

        Next k

    Next r

End Sub
