VBA Range.value函数导致意外结束

VBA Range.value函数导致意外结束,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,这似乎是一个非常简单的问题,但我无法理解为什么我的函数在Range.value=val调用中意外结束。也许我遗漏了一些非常基本的东西,但我已经测试过了,它们中的每一个都无法解决任何问题,我不知道如何捕捉错误 以下是初始函数: Function incrementCount(upper As Range, Summed As Range, ParamArray sums() As Variant) Dim deduct As Integer Dim summation As Integer Di



Function incrementCount(upper As Range, Summed As Range, ParamArray sums() As Variant)

Dim deduct As Integer
Dim summation As Integer
Dim elem As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim temp As Range
up = upper.Value
summation = Summed.Value
'Initialize the starting points of the increments
For i = LBound(sums) To UBound(sums)
    MsgBox IsObject(sums(i)) 'Prints out as an true
    MsgBox TypeName(sums(i)) 'Prints out as Rnage
    MsgBox sums(i).Value 'Prints out as 0
    Set temp = sums(i) 
    MsgBox temp.Value 'Prints out as 0
    Set temp = Summed
    MsgBox temp.Value 'Prints out as 1 (which is correct)
    temp.value = 3 'Errors here
    MsgBox temp.Value 'Never makes it to this line
    sums(i).Value = 1 'I have also tried this with the same result
Next i

<more code that is never reached>

End Function




如果不关注代码,您能准确地告诉我们您要做什么吗?我认为这段代码对于一个简单的任务来说有点过于复杂,基于你所指的帖子。我试图找到一组值达到指定总和的最佳增量数量。也就是说,第一组是x*4,第二组是x*6,x需要是什么才能等于y(一些和)。是否有一个内置函数可以做到这一点?还应注意,x*4和x*6不在相邻的单元格中。我无法让goal seek工作,因为它不会一次增加所有目标。首先,我支持@David Zemens在下面的评论中说它应该是一个子程序。第二,为什么不为此使用解算器?如果这是您需要的优化场景,我建议使用它。好的,这就是我正在尝试做的。我不知道那个事实。有没有办法改变另一个单元格值,可能是通过调用函数中的子例程?只能间接地…………您可以重新设计您的系统,让UDF向单元格返回值,并让Calculate事件宏响应计算。我可以通过子例程调用它来实现这一点。谢谢你的帮助!
Function testsub(thecell As Range, thevalue As Integer)
    thecell.value = thevalue
End Function