Vba 访问项集合中的属性

Vba 访问项集合中的属性,vba,excel,excel-2010,Vba,Excel,Excel 2010,我有一系列的课程。但我似乎无法访问类的属性。这是我能做的吗 这是我的clsProj课程: Option Explicit Private pValue As String Public Property Get Value() As String Value = pValue End Property Public Property Let Value(tempv As String) pValue = tempv End Property 我的下属: Sub testt



Option Explicit
Private pValue As String

Public Property Get Value() As String
    Value = pValue
End Property

Public Property Let Value(tempv As String)
    pValue = tempv
End Property

Sub testtt()

Set cp = New Collection

cp.Add clsProj, "AAA"
cp.Add clsProj, "BBB"

cp("AAA").Value = "OK"

MsgBox (cp("AAA").Value)

End Sub


Sub testtt()

    Dim cp As Collection
    Set cp = New Collection

    Dim blabla As clsProj
    Set blabla = New clsProj

    Dim blabli As clsProj
    Set blabli = New clsProj

    blabla.Value = "OK"
    blabli.Value = "KO"

    cp.Add blabla, "AAA"
    cp.Add blabli, "BBB"

    MsgBox (cp("AAA").Value)
    MsgBox (cp("BBB").Value)

    Set blabla = Nothing
    Set blabli = Nothing

End Sub


Sub testtt()

    Dim cp As Collection
    Set cp = New Collection

    Dim blabla As clsProj
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 10
        Set blabla = New clsProj

        '"OK" value + a special character from ASCII table
        blabla.Value = "OK " & Chr(32 + i)

        cp.Add blabla, CStr("AAA" & i)

        Set blabla = Nothing
    Next i

    'Test calling collection by key
    MsgBox cp("AAA5").Value

    'Test calling collection by item number and print it in
    '"Immediate" window (ctrl+g to show that window from VBA editor)
    For i = 1 To cp.Count
        Debug.Print cp(i).Value
    Next i

End Sub

这正是我想要做的!Thanks@user2385809; 很高兴我能帮忙!我又添加了一个示例,使用