
VBA中的自定义排序(可能来自列表),vba,excel,sorting,Vba,Excel,Sorting,要排序的表: 我有一张2000英镑的表格。第一列包含以下类型的非唯一ID:[数字1-52][字母][可选下划线][可选数字1-10]。字母将为[a]、[b]、[c]、[sa]、[sb]、[sc] 示例:1c、10sb_3、5a、12c、3sc、21c_1、22c_4、22b_10、14sb、26sb 我要怎么分类 我想先按输入字母排序,按照我在上面示例之前命名的顺序。如果是同一类型,我想按第一个数字排序。如果第一个数字相同,两个可选参数都将出现,我想按最后一个数字排序。排序也应该扩展到行表的其余










Dim oWorksheet As Worksheet
Set oWorksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim oRangeSort As Range
Dim oRangeKey As Range

' one range that includes all colums do sort
Set oRangeSort = oWorksheet.Range("A1:J2000") ' <<<<I'd set the range right, of course
' start of column with keys to sort
Set oRangeKey = oWorksheet.Range("B1") '<<<What is this for?

' custom sort order
Dim sCustomList(x To y) As String
'There would be a loop here filling the array in order with my manually sorted list

Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=sCustomList
' use this if you want a list on the spreadsheet to sort by
' Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=Range("D1:D3")
' ^^^^ for the record I'm not sure what this accomplishes in my case. Should I remove it? I feel it is just a different way to fill the array, using the range directly instead of filling with a loop. Maybe it suits me more?

oRangeSort.Sort Key1:=oRangeKey, Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
    OrderCustom:=Application.CustomListCount + 1, MatchCase:=False, _
    Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal

' clean up
Application.DeleteCustomList Application.CustomListCount
Set oWorksheet = Nothing









1c2变为01oc-02 23sa_13保留23sa_13 但如果你没有这种可能性,那就这样:


Option Explicit

Sub SortData()

    Dim MySheet As Worksheet, NewSheet As Worksheet
    Set MySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()

    NewSheet.Range("A1").value = "Type"
    NewSheet.Range("B1").value = "First Number"
    NewSheet.Range("C1").value = "Underscore"
    NewSheet.Range("D1").value = "Last Number"

    Dim CurrentRange As Range
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 2 To 2000 'the rows you are going to consider
        'you may replace this for a while cell is not empty check
        'considering the first row is a header, not a value

        Set CurrentRange = MySheet.Cells(i, 1)  'gets the cell in row i and column 1
        Dim CurrentValue As String
        CurrentValue = CurrentRange.value   'gets the value of the cell

        'if cell is empty, stop loop
        If CurrentValue = "" Then
            Exit For
        End If

        Dim FirstNumberSize As Integer
        Dim TypeSize As Integer
        Dim UnderscoreSize As Integer
        Dim LastNumberSize As Integer

        Dim StartChar As Integer
        StartChar = 1
        Call GetFieldSizes(CurrentValue, FirstNumberSize, TypeSize, UnderscoreSize, LastNumberSize)

        'write the values in a new sheet
        NewSheet.Cells(i, 2).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, FirstNumberSize) 'write firstnumber in the new sheet
        StartChar = StartChar + FirstNumberSize 'advance to the next field

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 1).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, TypeSize) 'write type in the new sheet
        StartChar = StartChar + TypeSize

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 3).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, UnderscoreSize) 'write underscore in the new sheet - nothing if size is zero
        StartChar = StartChar + UnderscoreSize

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 4).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, LastNumberSize) 'write lastNumber in the new sheet - nothing if size is zero

End Sub

Sub GetFieldSizes(value As String, ByRef firstNum As Integer, ByRef entryType As Integer, ByRef Underscore As Integer, ByRef lastNum As Integer)

    'walk through each char of the value while it's a number

    Dim Continue As Boolean
    Dim charVal As String
    Dim valLength As Integer
    valLength = Len(value) 'the length of the string

    'find first number size
    firstNum = 0  'start from character zero
    Continue = True 'to check if I can advance to the next char
        'if the next char is not a number, we found the letters
        If Not IsNumeric(Mid(value, firstNum + 1, 1)) Then
            Continue = False    'I say I cannot advance anymore, the size of our number is found
            firstNum = firstNum + 1 'advance one char
        End If

    Loop While Continue = True 'repeat while I can continue

    'find first underscore or digit of last number

    For Underscore = firstNum + 1 To valLength 'from the first char after the first number to the end of the string

        charVal = Mid(value, Underscore, 1) 'get the value of the char in the current underscore position

        If charVal = "_" Then   'if the char is an underscore
            lastNum = valLength - Underscore 'the remaining chars are the last number
            Underscore = 1 'the actual size of the underscore is 1
            Exit For 'interrupt the loop
        ElseIf IsNumeric(charVal) Then  'if the char is a number
            lastNum = valLength - Underscore + 1 'the remaining chars, including this one are the last number
            Underscore = 0 'if I find a number instead of the underscore, it doesn't exist, say it's length is zero
            Exit For 'interrupt the loop
        End If

    'if I advanced to the end of the string, I didn't find any number of underscore
    If Underscore > valLength Then
        lastNum = 0
        Underscore = 0
    End If

    entryType = valLength - firstNum - Underscore - lastNum 'the size of the letters is the remaining size when you remove the other sizes
End Sub

Option Explicit

Sub SortData()

    Dim MySheet As Worksheet, NewSheet As Worksheet
    Set MySheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()

    NewSheet.Range("A1").value = "Type"
    NewSheet.Range("B1").value = "First Number"
    NewSheet.Range("C1").value = "Underscore"
    NewSheet.Range("D1").value = "Last Number"

    Dim CurrentRange As Range
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 2 To 2000 'the rows you are going to consider
        'you may replace this for a while cell is not empty check
        'considering the first row is a header, not a value

        Set CurrentRange = MySheet.Cells(i, 1)  'gets the cell in row i and column 1
        Dim CurrentValue As String
        CurrentValue = CurrentRange.value   'gets the value of the cell

        'if cell is empty, stop loop
        If CurrentValue = "" Then
            Exit For
        End If

        Dim FirstNumberSize As Integer
        Dim TypeSize As Integer
        Dim UnderscoreSize As Integer
        Dim LastNumberSize As Integer

        Dim StartChar As Integer
        StartChar = 1
        Call GetFieldSizes(CurrentValue, FirstNumberSize, TypeSize, UnderscoreSize, LastNumberSize)

        'write the values in a new sheet
        NewSheet.Cells(i, 2).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, FirstNumberSize) 'write firstnumber in the new sheet
        StartChar = StartChar + FirstNumberSize 'advance to the next field

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 1).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, TypeSize) 'write type in the new sheet
        StartChar = StartChar + TypeSize

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 3).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, UnderscoreSize) 'write underscore in the new sheet - nothing if size is zero
        StartChar = StartChar + UnderscoreSize

        NewSheet.Cells(i, 4).value = Mid(CurrentValue, StartChar, LastNumberSize) 'write lastNumber in the new sheet - nothing if size is zero

End Sub

Sub GetFieldSizes(value As String, ByRef firstNum As Integer, ByRef entryType As Integer, ByRef Underscore As Integer, ByRef lastNum As Integer)

    'walk through each char of the value while it's a number

    Dim Continue As Boolean
    Dim charVal As String
    Dim valLength As Integer
    valLength = Len(value) 'the length of the string

    'find first number size
    firstNum = 0  'start from character zero
    Continue = True 'to check if I can advance to the next char
        'if the next char is not a number, we found the letters
        If Not IsNumeric(Mid(value, firstNum + 1, 1)) Then
            Continue = False    'I say I cannot advance anymore, the size of our number is found
            firstNum = firstNum + 1 'advance one char
        End If

    Loop While Continue = True 'repeat while I can continue

    'find first underscore or digit of last number

    For Underscore = firstNum + 1 To valLength 'from the first char after the first number to the end of the string

        charVal = Mid(value, Underscore, 1) 'get the value of the char in the current underscore position

        If charVal = "_" Then   'if the char is an underscore
            lastNum = valLength - Underscore 'the remaining chars are the last number
            Underscore = 1 'the actual size of the underscore is 1
            Exit For 'interrupt the loop
        ElseIf IsNumeric(charVal) Then  'if the char is a number
            lastNum = valLength - Underscore + 1 'the remaining chars, including this one are the last number
            Underscore = 0 'if I find a number instead of the underscore, it doesn't exist, say it's length is zero
            Exit For 'interrupt the loop
        End If

    'if I advanced to the end of the string, I didn't find any number of underscore
    If Underscore > valLength Then
        lastNum = 0
        Underscore = 0
    End If

    entryType = valLength - firstNum - Underscore - lastNum 'the size of the letters is the remaining size when you remove the other sizes
End Sub