Vba 将word表格复制到新的word文档中

Vba 将word表格复制到新的word文档中,vba,ms-office,ms-word,Vba,Ms Office,Ms Word,我有一个word文档,其中包含大约1000个表,每个表都有标题。我希望将这些表分成100个组(即每组10个表),然后将每个组保存在一个新的word文档(“newdoc.docx”,我已将其保存在桌面上)。word中是否有任何VBA代码或宏可以帮助我执行此操作 以下是一个片段,让您开始学习 Sub copyTable() ' one table is already in document Dim srcDoc As Document Set srcDoc = Acti



Sub copyTable()

    ' one table is already in document

    Dim srcDoc As Document
    Set srcDoc = ActiveDocument

    Dim destDoc As Document
    Set destDoc = ActiveDocument    ' same doc in this example

    Dim tabl As Table
    Set tabl = srcDoc.Tables(1)

    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = destDoc.Range            ' whole doc
    rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd         ' collapse range into an insert point at end of doc

    tabl.Range.Copy                    ' source table
                                       ' ( could not figure out how to copy directly without copy/paste )
    rng.Paste                          ' paste at insert point

End Sub


Sub copyTable()

    ' one table is already in document

    Dim srcDoc As Document
    Set srcDoc = ActiveDocument

    Dim destDoc As Document
    Set destDoc = ActiveDocument    ' same doc in this example

    Dim tabl As Table
    Set tabl = srcDoc.Tables(1)

    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = destDoc.Range            ' whole doc
    rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd         ' collapse range into an insert point at end of doc

    tabl.Range.Copy                    ' source table
                                       ' ( could not figure out how to copy directly without copy/paste )
    rng.Paste                          ' paste at insert point

End Sub