堆栈外空间vba excel

堆栈外空间vba excel,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我无法解决这个错误。。我曾尝试在线搜索,但似乎找不到解决此问题所需的解决方案。它显示“堆栈外”错误(运行时错误“28”)。有人能帮忙吗 Option Explicit Dim ws As Sheets Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Public Function test1(i, j) Set ws = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2")) With Application.WorksheetFunction test1


Option Explicit
Dim ws As Sheets
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

Public Function test1(i, j)

Set ws = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2"))
 With Application.WorksheetFunction

  test1(i, j) = .Index(ws(2).Range("B2:D5"), .Match(ws(1).Range("A" & i), ws(2).Range("A2:A5"), 0), .Match(ws(1).Range("B" & j), ws(2).Range("B1:D1"), 0))

 End With

End Function

Sub Xecute()
Set ws = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2"))
 For i = 5 To 13 Step 4
   For j = 5 To 16

    test1(i, j) = ws(1).Range("C" & j).Value

   Next j

 Next i

 End Sub

Option Explicit
Dim ws As Sheets
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, p As Integer, q As Integer

Public Function test1(i, j)

Set ws = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2"))
With Application.WorksheetFunction

 test1 = .Index(ws(2).Range("B2:D5"), .Match(ws(1).Range("A" & i), ws(2).Range("A2:A5"), 0), .Match(ws(1).Range("B" & j), ws(2).Range("B1:D1"), 0))

End With

End Function

Sub Xecute()
Set ws = Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2"))
 For i = 5 To 13 Step 4
  For j = 5 To 16

   ws(1).Range("C" & j).Value = test1(i, j)

  Next j
 Next i

End Sub


为什么要为函数赋值?i、 e.