Windows 安装错误sas 9.3

Windows 安装错误sas 9.3,windows,sas,installation,compatibility,Windows,Sas,Installation,Compatibility,重置计算机(Windows 10)后,我无法再重新安装sas 9.3程序。出现以下错误: "You've attempted to install software intended for one operating system on a machine using a different operating system. You should either install on a machine using the operating system you downloaded for

重置计算机(Windows 10)后,我无法再重新安装sas 9.3程序。出现以下错误:

"You've attempted to install software intended for one operating system on a
machine using a different operating system. You should either install on a
machine using the operating system you downloaded for or return to the download
site and download the appropriate software for your operating system."

我尝试更改兼容性(Windows 7、XP、Windows 8),但没有成功。我尝试了另一个安装程序,甚至是新版本的SAS 9.4,但什么都没有。有人有什么建议吗?非常感谢。

通过安装特定版本的Windows 10解决了这个问题,我通过Sas支持获得了该版本。

