Wordpress 在插件的管理页面中添加提示字段

Wordpress 在插件的管理页面中添加提示字段,wordpress,Wordpress,我制作了一个插件,现在我正在为它制作一个管理页面。我知道如何在管理页面中正确添加字段,但您知道如何添加“提示字段”吗 示例: 谢谢我不知道您写了多少代码,所以,简短地说,只需将文本放在带有class=“description”的p标记中,即可获得所需的格式。但看起来您可能仍然在为您的选项页面构建代码,因此我将包含以下来自Stripe Checkout插件的代码,其中显示了他们是如何做到这一点的 /** * Main function to register all of the plugin




标记中,即可获得所需的格式。但看起来您可能仍然在为您的选项页面构建代码,因此我将包含以下来自Stripe Checkout插件的代码,其中显示了他们是如何做到这一点的

 *  Main function to register all of the plugin settings
 * @since 1.0.0
function sc_register_settings() {

    global $sc_options;

    $sc_options = array();

    $sc_settings = array(

        /* Default Settings */

        'default' => array(
            'note' => array(
                'id'   => 'settings_note',
                'name' => '',
                'desc' => sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', sc_ga_campaign_url( SC_WEBSITE_BASE_URL . 'docs/shortcodes/stripe-checkout/', 'stripe_checkout', 'settings', 'docs' ), __( 'See shortcode options and examples', 'sc' ) ) . ' ' .
                          __( 'for', 'sc' ) . ' ' . Stripe_Checkout::get_plugin_title() . '<br/>' .
                          '<p class="description">' . __( 'Shortcode attributes take precedence and will always override site-wide default settings.', 'sc' ) . '</p>',
                'type' => 'section'
            'name' => array(
                'id'   => 'name',
                'name' => __( 'Site Name', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'The name of your store or website. Defaults to Site Name.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'currency' => array(
                'id'   => 'currency',
                'name' => __( 'Currency Code', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Specify a currency using it\'s ', 'sc' ) .
                            sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', 'https://support.stripe.com/questions/which-currencies-does-stripe-support', __( '3-letter ISO Code', 'sc' ) ) . '. ' .
                            __( 'Defaults to USD.', 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'image_url' => array(
                'id'   => 'image_url',
                'name' => __( 'Image URL', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'A URL pointing to a square image of your brand or product. The recommended minimum size is 128x128px.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'checkout_button_label' => array(
                'id'   => 'checkout_button_label',
                'name' => __( 'Checkout Button Label', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'The label of the payment button in the checkout form. You can use {{amount}} to display the amount.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'payment_button_label' => array(
                'id'   => 'payment_button_label',
                'name' => __( 'Payment Button Label', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Text to display on the default blue button that users click to initiate a checkout process.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'success_redirect_url' => array(
                'id'   => 'success_redirect_url',
                'name' => __( 'Success Redirect URL', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'The URL that the user should be redirected to after a successful payment.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'disable_success_message' => array(
                'id'   => 'disable_success_message',
                'name' => __( 'Disable Success Message', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Disable default success message.', 'sc' ) . '<br/>' .
                          '<p class="description">' . __( 'Useful if you are redirecting to your own success page.', 'sc' ) . '</p>',
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'failure_redirect_url' => array(
                'id'   => 'failure_redirect_url',
                'name' => __( 'Failure Redirect URL', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'The URL that the user should be redirected to after a failed payment.' , 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'billing' => array(
                'id'   => 'billing',
                'name' => __( 'Enable Billing Address', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Require the user to enter their billing address during checkout.', 'sc' ) . 
                        ( class_exists( 'Stripe_Checkout_Pro' ) ? '<br/><p class="description">' . __( 'See below if you also need to require a shipping address.', 'sc' ) . '</p>' : '' ),
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'verify_zip' => array(
                'id'   => 'verify_zip',
                'name' => __( 'Verify Zip Code', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Verifies the zip code of the card.', 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'enable_remember' => array(
                'id'   => 'enable_remember',
                'name' => __( 'Enable "Remember Me"', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Adds a "Remember Me" option to the checkout form to allow the user to store their credit card for future use with other sites using Stripe. ', 'sc' ) .
                          sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', 'https://stripe.com/checkout/info', __( 'See how it works', 'sc' ) ),
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'use_bitcoin' => array(
                'id'   => 'use_bitcoin',
                'name' => __( 'Enable Bitcoin', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => sprintf( __( 'Enable accepting <a href="%s" target="_blank">Bitcoin</a> as a payment option.', 'sc' ), 'https://stripe.com/docs/guides/bitcoin' ),
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'disable_css' => array(
                'id'   => 'disable_css',
                'name' => __( 'Disable Plugin CSS', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'If this option is checked, this plugin\'s CSS file will not be referenced.', 'sc' ),
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'always_enqueue' => array(
                'id'   => 'always_enqueue',
                'name' => __( 'Always Enqueue Scripts & Styles', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Enqueue this plugin\'s scripts and styles on every post and page.', 'sc' ) . '<br/>' .
                          '<p class="description">' . __( 'Useful if using shortcodes in widgets or other non-standard locations.', 'sc' ) . '</p>',
                'type' => 'checkbox'
            'uninstall_save_settings' => array(
                'id'   => 'uninstall_save_settings',
                'name' => __( 'Save Settings', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Save your settings when uninstalling this plugin.', 'sc' ) . '<br/>' .
                          '<p class="description">' . __( 'Useful when upgrading or re-installing.', 'sc' ) . '</p>',
                'type' => 'checkbox'

        /* Keys settings */

        'keys' => array(
            'enable_live_key' => array(
                'id'   => 'enable_live_key',
                'name' => __( 'Test or Live Mode', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => '<p class="description">' . __( 'Toggle between using your Test or Live API keys.', 'sc' ) . '</p>',
                'type' => 'toggle_control'
            'note' => array(
                'id'   => 'api_key_note',
                'name' => '',
                'desc' => sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', 'https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys', __( 'Find your Stripe API keys here', 'sc' ) ),
                'type' => 'section'
            'test_secret_key' => array(
                'id'   => 'test_secret_key',
                'name' => __( 'Test Secret Key', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => '',
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'test_publish_key' => array(
                'id'   => 'test_publish_key',
                'name' => __( 'Test Publishable Key', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => '',
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'live_secret_key' => array(
                'id'   => 'live_secret_key',
                'name' => __( 'Live Secret Key', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => '',
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'
            'live_publish_key' => array(
                'id'   => 'live_publish_key',
                'name' => __( 'Live Publishable Key', 'sc' ),
                'desc' => '',
                'type' => 'text',
                'size' => 'regular-text'

    $sc_settings = apply_filters( 'sc_settings', $sc_settings );

    $sc_settings_title = '';

    foreach( $sc_settings as $setting => $option ) {

        if( false == get_option( 'sc_settings_' . $setting ) ) {
            add_option( 'sc_settings_' . $setting );

            'sc_settings_' . $setting,
            apply_filters( 'sc_settings_' . $setting . '_title', $sc_settings_title ),
            'sc_settings_' . $setting

        foreach ( $sc_settings[$setting] as $option ) {
                'sc_settings_' . $setting . '[' . $option['id'] . ']',
                function_exists( 'sc_' . $option['type'] . '_callback' ) ? 'sc_' . $option['type'] . '_callback' : 'sc_missing_callback',
                'sc_settings_' . $setting,
                'sc_settings_' . $setting,
                sc_get_settings_field_args( $option, $setting )

        register_setting( 'sc_settings_' . $setting, 'sc_settings_' . $setting, 'sc_settings_sanitize' );

        $sc_options = array_merge( $sc_options, is_array( get_option( 'sc_settings_' . $setting ) ) ? get_option( 'sc_settings_' . $setting ) : array() );

    update_option( 'sc_settings_master', $sc_options );

add_action( 'admin_init', 'sc_register_settings' );
'desc'=>sprintf('',sc_ga_活动_url(sc_网站_基础_url。'docs/shortcode/stripe checkout/','stripe_checkout','settings','docs'),uuu('See shortcode options and examples','sc'))。'。


”, '类型'=>'节' ), 'name'=>数组( 'id'=>'name', “名称”=>u uu('Site name','sc'), “desc'=>\(“您的商店或网站的名称。默认为网站名称。”,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), '货币'=>数组( 'id'=>'currency', “名称”=>uuuuuu(‘货币代码’、‘sc’), 'desc'=>\uuuu('使用它的'sc'指定一种货币)。 斯普林特https://support.stripe.com/questions/which-currencies-does-stripe-support“,”(“三字母ISO代码”,“sc”)。”。 __(“默认为美元。”,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), 'image_url'=>数组( 'id'=>'image\u url', 'name'=>uuuu('Image URL','sc'), “desc'=>\(“指向您的品牌或产品的方形图像的URL。建议的最小大小为128x128px。”,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), “签出按钮标签”=>数组( 'id'=>'签出按钮\u标签', 'name'=>\('Checkout Button Label','sc'), “desc'=>\(“签出表单中付款按钮的标签。您可以使用{amount}}显示金额。”,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), “付款按钮标签”=>数组( “id”=>“付款按钮标签”, “名称”=>(付款按钮标签、“sc”), “desc'=>\”(“显示在默认蓝色按钮上的文本,用户单击该按钮可启动签出过程。”,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), “成功\u重定向\u url”=>数组( 'id'=>'success\u redirect\u url', 'name'=>\('Success Redirect URL','sc'), “desc'=>”(成功付款后用户应重定向到的URL),“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), “禁用成功消息”=>数组( 'id'=>'disable\u success\u message', 'name'=>\('Disable Success Message','sc'), “desc'=>”(禁用默认成功消息),“sc”)。
。 “


”, '键入'=>'复选框' ), 'failure\u redirect\u url'=>数组( 'id'=>'failure\u redirect\u url', 'name'=>\('Failure Redirect URL','sc'), “desc'=>\(“支付失败后用户应重定向到的URL”。,“sc”), '类型'=>'文本', “大小”=>“常规文本” ), '计费'=>阵列( 'id'=>'billing', 'name'=>\('Enable Billing Address','sc'), “desc'=>\(“要求用户在结账时输入他们的账单地址。”,“sc”)。 (class_存在('Stripe_Checkout_Pro')?“


':“”), '键入'=>'复选框' ), 'verify_zip'=>数组( 'id'=>'verify_zip', 'name'=>\('Verify Zip Code','sc'), “desc'=>”(验证卡的邮政编码),“sc”), '键入'=>'复选框' ), “启用_记住”=>数组( 'id'=>'启用\u记住', 'name'=>uuuu('Enable'memberme','sc'), 'desc'=>\uuuuuuu('在结帐表单中添加了一个“记住我”选项,允许用户存储他们的信用卡,以便将来与使用Stripe的其他网站一起使用。','sc')。 斯普林特https://stripe.com/checkout/info“,”(“看看它是如何工作的”,“sc”), '键入'=>'复选框' ), “使用比特币”=>数组( 'id'=>'使用比特币', “名称”=>uuuuuuuu('Enable Bitcoin','sc'), '