Wpf IsHyphenationEnabled更改时未更新FlowDocument呈现

Wpf IsHyphenationEnabled更改时未更新FlowDocument呈现,wpf,data-binding,flowdocument,Wpf,Data Binding,Flowdocument,当属性IsHyphenationEnabled和IsOptimalParagraphEnabled更改为在屏幕截图和下面的代码中可见时,MyFlowDocument不会更新: 我不认为属性是在文档第一次显示时静态定义的。我错过了什么吗?只是意识到我的属性不是使用绑定对象绑定的。如果有人犯了同样的初学者错误: public ViewModel () { Document = new FlowDocument { ColumnWidth = Double.M




public ViewModel () {
        Document = new FlowDocument {
            ColumnWidth = Double.MaxValue,
            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify,
            FontFamily = new FontFamily ("Arial"),
        Document.SetBinding (FlowDocument.IsHyphenationEnabledProperty, new Binding ("Hyphenation"));
        Document.SetBinding (FlowDocument.IsOptimalParagraphEnabledProperty, new Binding ("OptimalParagraphs"));

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace FlowDocumentDemo {
    public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow () { InitializeComponent (); } }

    class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {
        protected FlowDocument document;
        protected bool hyphenation = true;
        protected bool optimalParagraphs = true;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        public FlowDocument Document { get => document; set { document = value; RaisePropertyChanged (); } }
        public bool Hyphenation { get => hyphenation; set { hyphenation = value; RaisePropertyChanged (); } }
        public bool OptimalParagraphs { get => optimalParagraphs; set { optimalParagraphs = value; RaisePropertyChanged (); } }

        public ViewModel () {
            Document = new FlowDocument {
                ColumnWidth = Double.MaxValue,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify,
                FontFamily = new FontFamily ("Arial"),
                IsHyphenationEnabled = Hyphenation,
                IsOptimalParagraphEnabled = OptimalParagraphs

            Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph ();
            paragraph.Inlines.Add (new Run {
                FontSize = 35,
                FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold,
                Text = "NASA announces funding for moon and Mars mission tech"
            Document.Blocks.Add (paragraph);

            paragraph = new Paragraph ();
            paragraph.Inlines.Add (new Run {
                FontFamily = new FontFamily ("Arial"),
                Text = "NASA announced agreements worth a combined $43.2 million with 14 commercial partners " +
                       "Friday — including Blue Origin and SpaceX — to fund experiments in propellant and power " +
                       "generation, in-space refueling, efficient propulsion systems, and lunar rover technology."
            Document.Blocks.Add (paragraph);

        protected void RaisePropertyChanged ([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) {
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs (propertyName));
public ViewModel () {
        Document = new FlowDocument {
            ColumnWidth = Double.MaxValue,
            TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify,
            FontFamily = new FontFamily ("Arial"),
        Document.SetBinding (FlowDocument.IsHyphenationEnabledProperty, new Binding ("Hyphenation"));
        Document.SetBinding (FlowDocument.IsOptimalParagraphEnabledProperty, new Binding ("OptimalParagraphs"));