Wso2 无法Maven生成产品apim 2.6.0。错误:P2发布服务器返回代码为1

Wso2 无法Maven生成产品apim 2.6.0。错误:P2发布服务器返回代码为1,wso2,wso2-am,Wso2,Wso2 Am,您好,当我尝试maven构建product-apim-2.6.0时,出现以下错误。请帮忙 [INFO] Running Equinox P2 Director Application [INFO] Command line: cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar C:\mavenRepo\org\eclipse\tycho\tycho-p2-runtime\0.13.0\


[INFO] Running Equinox P2 Director Application
[INFO] Command line:
        cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar C:\mavenRepo\org\eclipse\tycho\tycho-p2-runtime\0.13.0\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110725-1610.jar -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -metadataRepository file:C:/product-apim-2.6.0/modules/p2-profile/product/target/p2-repo -artifactRepository file:C:/product-apim-2.6.0/modules/p2-profile/product/target/p2-repo -profileProperties org.eclipse.update.install.features=true -installIU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -bundlepool C:\product-apim-2.6.0\modules\p2-profile\product/target/wso2carbon-core-4.4.35/repository/components -shared C:\product-apim-2.6.0\modules\p2-profile\product/target/wso2carbon-core-4.4.35/repository/components\p2 -destination C:\product-apim-2.6.0\modules\p2-profile\product/target/wso2carbon-core-4.4.35/repository/components\default -profile default -roaming"
The command line is too long.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for WSO2 API Manager - Aggregator Module 2.6.0:
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Aggregator Module ............... SUCCESS [  7.443 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Parent ................... SUCCESS [  0.160 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles .......................... SUCCESS [  9.324 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos  API Manager - UI styles .............. SUCCESS [ 12.889 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard .......... SUCCESS [  3.927 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Parent ................. SUCCESS [  0.104 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Aggregator Module ...... SUCCESS [  0.092 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Features ................. SUCCESS [  4.486 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard Feature .. SUCCESS [  7.861 s]
[INFO] Samples ............................................ SUCCESS [ 10.515 s]
[INFO] Clients for samples ................................ SUCCESS [  0.813 s]
[INFO] Publisher API client ............................... SUCCESS [ 12.239 s]
[INFO] Store API client ................................... SUCCESS [  6.056 s]
[INFO] Admin API client ................................... SUCCESS [  6.111 s]
[INFO] Back end Service ................................... SUCCESS [  7.076 s]
[INFO] Sample Utils ....................................... SUCCESS [ 11.108 s]
[INFO] Sample One ......................................... SUCCESS [ 35.574 s]
[INFO] Sample Two ......................................... SUCCESS [ 23.188 s]
[INFO] Sample Four ........................................ SUCCESS [ 23.245 s]
[INFO] Sample Seven ....................................... SUCCESS [ 22.078 s]
[INFO] Sample Eight ....................................... SUCCESS [ 23.140 s]
[INFO] Sample Nine ........................................ SUCCESS [ 19.906 s]
[INFO] Sample Ten ......................................... SUCCESS [ 20.016 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation Parent .... SUCCESS [  0.234 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation ........... FAILURE [03:53 min]
[INFO] API Manager : oauth2-grant-types ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Distribution Parent ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Distribution .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - API Import Export ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Tests ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Test Common Module .. SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Admin Clients Module  SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Common Test Module .. SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Test Artifacts Tests ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - RestFul Backend Module for Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - ArtifactDeploymentMonitor WebApp  SKIPPED
[INFO] ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Extensions Module ... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration UI Pages Module ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration New Test Module ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Based on product backend Test Module SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  08:28 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-10-15T10:43:10+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.wso2.maven:carbon-p2-plugin:1.5.4:p2-profile-gen (3-p2-profile-generation) on project am-p2-profile: P2 publisher return code was 1 -> [Help 1]



您需要提供更多调试信息。运行mvn clean package-X或等效的调试命令。但它没有被标记为错误。是的,似乎p2插件没有正确处理。