X86 为什么mov ah、bh和mov al、bl加在一起比单指令mov ax、bx快得多?

X86 为什么mov ah、bh和mov al、bl加在一起比单指令mov ax、bx快得多?,x86,assembly,X86,Assembly,我发现了 mov al, bl mov ah, bh 比以前快多了 mov ax, bx 谁能解释一下原因吗? 我在WindowsXP下以32位模式运行Core2Duo3GHz。 使用NASM编译,然后与VS2010链接。 Nasm编译命令: nasm -f coff -o triangle.o triangle.asm 下面是我用来渲染三角形的主循环: ; some variables on stack %define cr DWORD [ebp-20] %define dcr DWO


mov al, bl
mov ah, bh

mov ax, bx
谁能解释一下原因吗? 我在WindowsXP下以32位模式运行Core2Duo3GHz。 使用NASM编译,然后与VS2010链接。 Nasm编译命令:

nasm -f coff -o triangle.o triangle.asm

; some variables on stack
%define cr  DWORD [ebp-20]
%define dcr DWORD [ebp-24]
%define dcg DWORD [ebp-32]
%define dcb DWORD [ebp-40]


add esi, dcg
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 8

add edi, dcb
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 16
mov bh, ah

mov eax, cr
add eax, dcr
mov cr, eax

mov ah, bh  ; faster
mov al, bl
;mov ax, bx

mov DWORD [edx], eax

add edx, 4

dec ecx
jge loop


mov ax、bx

在我的核心2 Duo CPU L9300 1.60GHz上,速度也更快。正如我在评论中所写,我认为这与部分寄存器的使用有关(


要获得关于为什么一个版本比另一个版本快的更多信息,我认为需要更仔细地阅读源材料和/或使用英特尔VTune或AMD CodeAnalyst之类的工具。(结果可能是我错了)










#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>

extern void triC(uint32_t* dest, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t cr, uint32_t cg, uint32_t cb, uint32_t dcr, uint32_t dcg, uint32_t dcb);
extern void triAsm1(uint32_t* dest, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t cr, uint32_t cg, uint32_t cb, uint32_t dcr, uint32_t dcg, uint32_t dcb);
extern void triAsm2(uint32_t* dest, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t cr, uint32_t cg, uint32_t cb, uint32_t dcr, uint32_t dcg, uint32_t dcb);
extern void triAsm3(uint32_t* dest, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t cr, uint32_t cg, uint32_t cb, uint32_t dcr, uint32_t dcg, uint32_t dcb);
extern void triAsm4(uint32_t* dest, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t cr, uint32_t cg, uint32_t cb, uint32_t dcr, uint32_t dcg, uint32_t dcb);

uint32_t scanline[640];

#define test(tri) \
        clock_t start = clock();\
        for (int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++) {\
            tri(scanline, rand() % 640, 10<<16, 20<<16, 30<<16, 1<<14, 1<<14, 1<<14);\
        printf(#tri ": %f ms, %x\n",(clock()-start)*1000.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,scanline[620]);\

int main() {
    return 0;




mov al, bl
mov ah, bh
(此代码至少占用2个CPU周期,并且可能导致第二条指令暂停,因为在某些(较旧的)x86 CPU上,您会在EAX上获得锁)

  • EAX被读取。(第1周期)
    • EAX的低位字节已更改(仍为循环1)
    • 然后将完整值写回EAX。(第1周期)
  • EAX被锁定以进行写入,直到第一次写入完全解决。(可能等待多个周期)
  • 对EAX中的高字节重复该过程。(周期2)
在最新的Core2 CPU上,这并不是什么大问题,因为已经安装了额外的硬件,它们知道

mov eax, ebx

  • 如果您想要快速编码,请始终使用32位(EAX、EBX等)寄存器
  • 尽量避免使用8位子寄存器,除非必须使用
  • 切勿使用16位寄存器。即使您必须在32位模式下使用5条指令,也会更快
  • 使用movzx reg。。。(或movsx reg,…)说明

; some variables on stack
%define cr  DWORD [ebp-20]
%define dcr DWORD [ebp-24]
%define dcg DWORD [ebp-32]
%define dcb DWORD [ebp-40]

mov edx,cr


add esi, dcg
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 8

add edi, dcb
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 16   ;higher 16 bits in ebx will be empty.
mov bh, ah

;mov eax, cr   
;add eax, dcr
;mov cr, eax

add edx,dcr
mov eax,edx

and eax,0xFFFF0000  ; clear lower 16 bits in EAX
or eax,ebx          ; merge the two. 
;mov ah, bh  ; faster
;mov al, bl

mov DWORD [epb+offset+ecx*4], eax ; requires storing the data in reverse order. 
;add edx, 4

sub ecx,1  ;dec ecx does not change the carry flag, which can cause
           ;a false dependency on previous instructions which do change CF    
jge loop




mov ax、bx
mov ecx、edx
维持3 INSN。没有任何类型的“模式开关”。(正如每个人都指出的,“上下文切换”是一个可怕的选择
mov al, bl
mov ah, bh
mov eax, ebx
; some variables on stack
%define cr  DWORD [ebp-20]
%define dcr DWORD [ebp-24]
%define dcg DWORD [ebp-32]
%define dcb DWORD [ebp-40]

mov edx,cr


add esi, dcg
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 8

add edi, dcb
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 16   ;higher 16 bits in ebx will be empty.
mov bh, ah

;mov eax, cr   
;add eax, dcr
;mov cr, eax

add edx,dcr
mov eax,edx

and eax,0xFFFF0000  ; clear lower 16 bits in EAX
or eax,ebx          ; merge the two. 
;mov ah, bh  ; faster
;mov al, bl

mov DWORD [epb+offset+ecx*4], eax ; requires storing the data in reverse order. 
;add edx, 4

sub ecx,1  ;dec ecx does not change the carry flag, which can cause
           ;a false dependency on previous instructions which do change CF    
jge loop
        movdqa  xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [esp+64]
        mov     ecx, edx
        add     edx, 1
        sal     ecx, 4
        paddd   xmm0, xmm3
        paddd   xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [esp+16]
        psrld   xmm0, 8
        movdqa  xmm1, xmm0
        movdqa  xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [esp+80]
        pand    xmm1, xmm7
        paddd   xmm0, xmm2
        paddd   xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [esp+32]
        psrld   xmm0, 16
        pand    xmm0, xmm6
        por     xmm0, xmm1
        movdqa  xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [esp+48]
        paddd   xmm1, xmm4
        paddd   xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [esp]
        pand    xmm1, xmm5
        por     xmm0, xmm1
        movaps  XMMWORD PTR [eax+ecx], xmm0
        cmp     ebp, edx
        ja      .L4
; use defines you can put [] around so it's clear they're memory refs ; %define cr ebp+0x10 %define cr esp+something that depends on how much we pushed %define dcr ebp+0x1c ;; change these to work from ebp, too. %define dcg ebp+0x20 %define dcb ebp+0x24 ; esp-relative offsets may be wrong, just quickly did it in my head without testing: ; we push 3 more regs after ebp, which was the point at which ebp snapshots esp in the stack-frame version. So add 0xc (i.e. mentally add 0x10 and subract 4) ; 32bit code is dumb anyway. 64bit passes args in regs. %define dest_arg esp+14 %define cnt_arg esp+18 ... everything else tri_pjc: push ebp push edi push esi push ebx ; only these 4 need to be preserved in the normal 32bit calling convention mov ebp, [cr] mov esi, [cg] mov edi, [cb] shl esi, 8 ; put the bits we want at the high edge, so we don't have to mask after shifting in zeros shl [dcg], 8 shl edi, 8 shl [dcb], 8 ; apparently the original code doesn't care if cr overflows into the top byte. mov edx, [dest_arg] mov ecx, [cnt_arg] lea ecx, [edx + ecx*4] ; one-past the end, to be used as a loop boundary mov [dest_arg], ecx ; spill it back to the stack, where we only need to read it. ALIGN 16 .loop: ; SEE BELOW, this inner loop can be even more optimized add esi, [dcg] mov eax, esi shr eax, 24 ; eax bytes = { 0 0 0 cg } add edi, [dcb] shld eax, edi, 8 ; eax bytes = { 0 0 cg cb } add ebp, [dcr] mov ecx, ebp and ecx, 0xffff0000 or eax, ecx ; eax bytes = { x cr cg cb} where x is overflow from cr. Kill that by changing the mask to 0x00ff0000 ; another shld to merge might be faster on other CPUs, but not core2 ; merging with mov cx, ax would also be possible on CPUs where that's cheap (AMD, and Intel IvB and later) mov DWORD [edx], eax ; alternatively: ; mov DWORD [edx], ebp ; mov WORD [edx], eax ; this insn replaces the mov/and/or merging add edx, 4 cmp edx, [dest_arg] ; core2 can macro-fuse cmp/unsigned condition, but not signed jb .loop pop ebx pop esi pop edi pop ebp ret ALIGN 16 ;mov ebx, 111 ; IACA start ;db 0x64, 0x67, 0x90 .loop: add ebp, [dcr] mov eax, ebp shr eax, 16 ; eax bytes = { 0 0 x cr} where x is overflow from cr. Kill that pre-shifting cr and dcr like the others, and use shr 24 here add esi, [dcg] shld eax, esi, 8 ; eax bytes = { 0 x cr cg} add edx, 4 ; this goes between the `shld`s to help with decoder throughput on pre-SnB, and to not break macro-fusion. add edi, [dcb] shld eax, edi, 8 ; eax bytes = { x cr cg cb} mov DWORD [edx-4], eax cmp edx, ebx ; use our spare register here jb .loop ; core2 can macro-fuse cmp/unsigned condition, but not signed. Macro-fusion works in 32-bit mode only on Core2. ;mov ebx, 222 ; IACA end ;db 0x64, 0x67, 0x90