在iOS7(iPad4)上,Frootstrap能否与Xcode v5.0.1 OSX v10.8.5一起运行?

在iOS7(iPad4)上,Frootstrap能否与Xcode v5.0.1 OSX v10.8.5一起运行?,xcode,ipad,ios7,Xcode,Ipad,Ios7,我曾经成功地在OSX v10.8.5和Xcode v4.6.3上安装了fruitstrap。这意味着我可以通过cmd行在iPad2上运行应用程序 现在我转向另一台机器,它有OSX v10.8.5、Xcode v5.0.1和iPad4 iOS 7。首先,我安装了配置文件,我可以在iPad4 iOS 7上使用Xcode成功运行一个项目。然后,我尝试在Makefile中使用不同的IOS_SDK在同一步骤中安装fruitstrap。但我得到的结果如下: *------ Install phase ---

我曾经成功地在OSX v10.8.5和Xcode v4.6.3上安装了fruitstrap。这意味着我可以通过cmd行在iPad2上运行应用程序

现在我转向另一台机器,它有OSX v10.8.5、Xcode v5.0.1和iPad4 iOS 7。首先,我安装了配置文件,我可以在iPad4 iOS 7上使用Xcode成功运行一个项目。然后,我尝试在Makefile中使用不同的IOS_SDK在同一步骤中安装fruitstrap。但我得到的结果如下:

*------ Install phase ------
[....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected
[  0%] Found device (c97b56bd2b84138a50a95ab3edb518eb79fff5b1), beginning install
[  5%] Copying demo.app/ to device
[  8%] Copying demo.app//_CodeSignature to device
[ 12%] Copying demo.app//_CodeSignature/CodeResources to device
[ 16%] Copying demo.app//demo to device
[ 42%] Copying demo.app//Info.plist to device
[ 46%] Copying demo.app//ResourceRules.plist to device
[ 52%] CreatingStagingDirectory
[ 57%] ExtractingPackage
[ 60%] InspectingPackage
[ 60%] TakingInstallLock
[ 65%] PreflightingApplication
AMDeviceInstallApplication failed: -402653028*

*Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[115] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Please include the kCFBundleIdentifierKey in the options dictionary when installing an app.
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[115] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder (null)
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad installd[62] <Notice>: 0x243000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/demo.app" requested by mobile_installation_proxy
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad installd[62] <Notice>: 0x243000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app demo
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad installd[62] <Error>: 0x243000 check_can_install: Apps must have a CFBundleVersion declared as a string in their Info.plist, but demo does not. Failing installation.
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad installd[62] <Error>: 0x243000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[115] <Error>: 0x305000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[115] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad mobile_installation_proxy[115] <Error>: 0x305000 handle_install: Installation failed: Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)" UserInfo=0x14d14f30 {Error=MissingBundleVersion}
Nov 21 04:07:44 iPad installd[62] <Error>: 0x243000 handle_install_for_ls: API failed*

Xcode v5.0.1 iPad4 iOS 7 OSX v10.8.5
水果带本身没有得到维护,不能与Xcode 5或iOS 7一起使用。你可能想看看这些备选方案中的一个。尤其是ios deploy,它是一个添加了基本支持的分支:

水果带本身没有得到维护,不能与Xcode 5或iOS 7一起使用。你可能想看看这些备选方案中的一个。尤其是ios deploy,它是一个添加了基本支持的分支:
