
将非ascii字符写入xml/UTF-8,xml,applescript,javascript-automation,Xml,Applescript,Javascript Automation,我有一个脚本,它通过字符串操作组装xml文档,这是我在发现xml套件之前编写的 当包含某些字符时,例如,-en破折号和-em破折号,我怀疑所有非ascii字符都会被unicode替换字符替换� U+FFFD 只有在文档开头有xml标题时才会发生这种情况:即在AppleScript中,您可以使用将文本作为«类utf8»写入文件来写入utf8编码的文本。在JXA中不能这样做,因为无法编写原始AE代码 我一般不推荐JXA,因为它是1。四轮马车和瘸子,还有2辆。被遗弃的。如果您总体上喜欢JavaScri


当包含某些字符时,例如,-en破折号和-em破折号,我怀疑所有非ascii字符都会被unicode替换字符替换� U+FFFD



如果必须使用JXA,唯一的解决方法是通过Cocoa API编写UTF8文件。尽管通过字符串混搭生成XML是邪恶的,而且很容易出现错误,但您还是应该抓住机会重写代码以使用适当的XML API。同样,对于Node,您的选择被宠坏了,最困难的部分将是确定哪些NPM库是健壮的、易于使用的,哪些是垃圾库。在AS/JXA中,要么是系统事件的XML套件(速度较慢),要么是Cocoa的XML API(复杂)。

set dt to path to desktop as text
set filePath to dt & "test1.txt"

writeTextToFile(text1, filePath, true)

-- using the example handler from the Mac Automation Scripting Guide
on writeTextToFile(theText, theFile, overwriteExistingContent)

        -- Convert the file to a string
        set theFile to theFile as string

        -- Open the file for writing
        set theOpenedFile to open for access file theFile with write permission

        -- Clear the file if content should be overwritten
        if overwriteExistingContent is true then set eof of theOpenedFile to 0

        -- Write the new content to the file
        write theText to theOpenedFile starting at eof

        -- Close the file
        close access theOpenedFile

        -- Return a boolean indicating that writing was successful
        return true

        -- Handle a write error
    on error

        -- Close the file
            close access file theFile
        end try

        -- Return a boolean indicating that writing failed
        return false
    end try
end writeTextToFile
app.includeStandardAdditions = true

function writeTextToFile(text, file, overwriteExistingContent) {
    try {

        // Convert the file to a string
        var fileString = file.toString()

        // Open the file for writing
        var openedFile = app.openForAccess(Path(fileString), { writePermission: true })

        // Clear the file if content should be overwritten
        if (overwriteExistingContent) {
            app.setEof(openedFile, { to: 0 })

        // Write the new content to the file
        app.write(text, { to: openedFile, startingAt: app.getEof(openedFile) })

        // Close the file

        // Return a boolean indicating that writing was successful
        return true
    catch(error) {

        try {
            // Close the file
        catch(error) {
            // Report the error is closing failed
            console.log(`Couldn't close file: ${error}`)

        // Return a boolean indicating that writing was successful
        return false

var text = "<?xml £"
var file = Path("Users/benfrearson/Desktop/text.txt")

writeTextToFile (text, file, true)