Xmpp 在Xamarin表单应用程序中使用Icelink和QB(快速Blox)支持音频/视频

Xmpp 在Xamarin表单应用程序中使用Icelink和QB(快速Blox)支持音频/视频,xmpp,xamarin.forms,quickblox,Xmpp,Xamarin.forms,Quickblox,我想在Xamarin表单应用程序中使用IceLink和QB(快速Blox)实现音频和视频通话 我已经从github下载了代码- “” 登录和用户列表已成功工作,但当我在选择任何用户后启动视频通话时,显示错误: 根据我的理解,也是这样 IceServer未连接或 “conference.RelayUsername”或 “会议.RelayPassword”不正确 现在,我用- private string[] IceServers = { "stun.l.google.com:19302", "


我已经从github下载了代码- “”



  • IceServer
  • conference.RelayUsername
  • 会议.RelayPassword

private string[] IceServers =

conference.RelayUsername = "test";
conference.RelayPassword = "pa55w0rd!";
conference.ServerPort = 3478;


(13397): No SDP messages were received from the signalling server (the peer could not be reached).
(13397): No responses were received from the STUN/TURN server (the server could not be reached).
(13397): A remote offer/answer was not received!
(13397): No local candidates were created!
(13397): No remote candidates were received!
(13397): Link to peer is DOWN. Link timed out before a connection could be made. No SDP messages were received from the signalling server (the peer could not be reached). No responses were received from the STUN/TURN server (the server could not be reached).
(13397): Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android[0xf4f172c0] -> System.Xml[0xd61e2a20]: 7
(13397): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{8fc7e54 token=android.os.BinderProxy@7b7d6dc {com.quickblox.frozensample/md500fc13a2eac828e9753ec70581cd264d.MainActivity}} show : false
(13397): [0xd93de930] worker finishing
[0:] Not connected to XMPP server.
(13397): No SDP messages were received from the signalling server (the peer could not be reached).
(13397): No responses were received from the STUN/TURN server (the server could not be reached).
(13397): A remote offer/answer was not received!
(13397): No local candidates were created!
(13397): No remote candidates were received!
(13397): Link to peer is DOWN. Link timed out before a connection could be made. No SDP messages were received from the signalling server (the peer could not be reached). No responses were received from the STUN/TURN server (the server could not be reached).
(13397): Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android[0xf4f172c0] -> System.Xml[0xd61e2a20]: 7
(13397): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{8fc7e54 token=android.os.BinderProxy@7b7d6dc {com.quickblox.frozensample/md500fc13a2eac828e9753ec70581cd264d.MainActivity}} show : false
(13397): [0xd93de930] worker finishing
[0:] Not connected to XMPP server.