Yii2 Codeception单选按钮列表

Yii2 Codeception单选按钮列表,yii2,radiobuttonlist,codeception,Yii2,Radiobuttonlist,Codeception,我有一个单选按钮列表,格式是 <div data-toggle="buttons" style="margin: 5px 0 20px"> <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="0"> 0</label> <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" nam


<div data-toggle="buttons" style="margin: 5px 0 20px">
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="0"> 0</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="1"> 1</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="2"> 2</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="3"> 3</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="4"> 4</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="5"> 5</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="6"> 6</label>
     <label class="btn grey active"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="7" checked=""> 7</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="8"> 8</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="9"> 9</label>
     <label class="btn grey"><input type="radio" name="ResponseForm[nps]" value="10"> 10</label>

 Step  I can see option is selected "form input[type=radio]",1
 Fail  Element located either by name, CSS or XPath element with 'selected option' was not found.


canseeOptions IsSelected()
 Step  I can see option is selected "form input[type=radio]",1
 Fail  Element located either by name, CSS or XPath element with 'selected option' was not found.