Youtube api API源中未返回新注释

Youtube api API源中未返回新注释,youtube-api,Youtube Api,YouTube推出了一个新的Google+评论系统。在公告中,他们表示将不会在api提要中返回回复,但建议将返回初始评论。在我的测试中,我发现最初的评论也不会出现 请澄清这一点。谢谢 Replies to new-style YouTube comments via the YouTube and Google+ sites and apps will not be returned with the legacy API's comments feed. However, they will



Replies to new-style YouTube comments via the YouTube and Google+ sites and apps will not be returned with the legacy API's comments feed. However, they will be available via the Google+ APIs.


能否提供一个YT GData API v2调用的示例,以检索未返回预期结果的注释?一定要弄清楚响应中缺少了什么。正如@Jeff Posnick所说的,你能提供相应的v2请求吗?