
限制zsh选项卡完成行为,zsh,zsh-completion,Zsh,Zsh Completion,我的zsh有一些补全功能,我不理解,也找不到可以更改的地方。我有两个问题,我怀疑他们对我的问题有类似的“修复”。我使用以下命令初始化zsh完成系统 autoload -Uz compinit compinit 为了获得高级完成功能,我还遇到了以下问题,如果没有compinit,我就不会遇到这些问题 首先:我的主目录中碰巧有一个名为mydir的目录,不幸的是,还有一个名为mydir的用户。当我想更改到我的目录,然后使用制表符完成,即 cd mydir/<TAB> 在我的.zlogi


autoload -Uz compinit


cd mydir/<TAB>


source setup-file-with-a-long-name.sh





source filename [arguments]
              Read  and  execute  commands  from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename.  If filename does not contain a slash, file
              names in PATH are used to find the directory containing filename.  The file searched for in PATH need not be executable.  When bash is not in posix mode, the current directory is searched  if
              no file is found in PATH.  If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched.

       shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
              Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.  With no options, or with the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indication of
              whether or not each is set.  The -p option causes output to be displayed in a form that may be reused as input.  Other options have the following meanings:
              -s     Enable (set) each optname.
              -u     Disable (unset) each optname.
              -q     Suppresses normal output (quiet mode); the return status indicates whether the optname is set or unset.  If multiple optname arguments are given  with  -q,  the  return
                     status is zero if all optnames are enabled; non-zero otherwise.
              -o     Restricts the values of optname to be those defined for the -o option to the set builtin.
                      If set, the source (.) builtin uses the value of PATH to find the directory containing the file supplied as an argument.  This option is enabled by default.

shopt-u sourcepath


       shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
              Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.  With no options, or with the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indication of
              whether or not each is set.  The -p option causes output to be displayed in a form that may be reused as input.  Other options have the following meanings:
              -s     Enable (set) each optname.
              -u     Disable (unset) each optname.
              -q     Suppresses normal output (quiet mode); the return status indicates whether the optname is set or unset.  If multiple optname arguments are given  with  -q,  the  return
                     status is zero if all optnames are enabled; non-zero otherwise.
              -o     Restricts the values of optname to be those defined for the -o option to the set builtin.
                      If set, the source (.) builtin uses the value of PATH to find the directory containing the file supplied as an argument.  This option is enabled by default.

source filename [arguments]
              Read  and  execute  commands  from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename.  If filename does not contain a slash, file
              names in PATH are used to find the directory containing filename.  The file searched for in PATH need not be executable.  When bash is not in posix mode, the current directory is searched  if
              no file is found in PATH.  If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched.

       shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
              Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.  With no options, or with the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indication of
              whether or not each is set.  The -p option causes output to be displayed in a form that may be reused as input.  Other options have the following meanings:
              -s     Enable (set) each optname.
              -u     Disable (unset) each optname.
              -q     Suppresses normal output (quiet mode); the return status indicates whether the optname is set or unset.  If multiple optname arguments are given  with  -q,  the  return
                     status is zero if all optnames are enabled; non-zero otherwise.
              -o     Restricts the values of optname to be those defined for the -o option to the set builtin.
                      If set, the source (.) builtin uses the value of PATH to find the directory containing the file supplied as an argument.  This option is enabled by default.

shopt-u sourcepath

命令。我知道了,我的答案适用于bash,我想它也适用于zsh,对此表示抱歉。我也开始研究zsh builtin,它看起来很不一样,有点痛苦,伙计,zshoptions和zshbuiltins。setopt似乎是一个有趣的命令,它可能是HASH_LIST_ALL选项,但我还没有证明它。谢谢。但是当我这样做的时候,它说没有找到
命令。我知道了,我的答案适用于bash,我想它也适用于zsh,对此表示抱歉。我也开始研究zsh builtin,它看起来很不一样,有点痛苦,伙计,zshoptions和zshbuiltins。setopt似乎是一个有趣的命令,它可能是HASH_LIST_ALL选项,但我还没有证明它。
       shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
              Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.  With no options, or with the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indication of
              whether or not each is set.  The -p option causes output to be displayed in a form that may be reused as input.  Other options have the following meanings:
              -s     Enable (set) each optname.
              -u     Disable (unset) each optname.
              -q     Suppresses normal output (quiet mode); the return status indicates whether the optname is set or unset.  If multiple optname arguments are given  with  -q,  the  return
                     status is zero if all optnames are enabled; non-zero otherwise.
              -o     Restricts the values of optname to be those defined for the -o option to the set builtin.
                      If set, the source (.) builtin uses the value of PATH to find the directory containing the file supplied as an argument.  This option is enabled by default.