Drupal 7无法识别文件目录中正确的.htaccess。为什么?

Drupal 7无法识别文件目录中正确的.htaccess。为什么?,.htaccess,security,drupal-7,.htaccess,Security,Drupal 7,我在Drupal 7.38安装的文件目录中有以下内容-- 现在,这是它应该如何根据设置,但安全审查模块正在报告以下内容 Security Review was able to execute a PHP file written to your files directory. The .htaccess file is missing from the files directory at 请注意,报告并不是通过说明位置来完成的。我的私人设置文件目录是sites/all/default/

我在Drupal 7.38安装的文件目录中有以下内容--


Security Review was able to execute a PHP file written to your files directory.

The .htaccess file is missing from the files directory at 


Deny from all
Security Review was able to execute a PHP file written to your files directory.

The .htaccess file is missing from the files directory at