3d GnuPlot:热图的数据格式?

3d GnuPlot:热图的数据格式?,3d,gnuplot,heatmap,3d,Gnuplot,Heatmap,我想在GnuPlot做一个热图。以下是数据: 我用这个数据布局得到了它: …但我必须将Y轴的值四舍五入到最接近的5,以使它们适合网格的精确行 所以我想找出一个更三维的数据布局。我试过这样的方法: X Y Z 1 69 3.9 2 44 5.2 3 39 2.6 4 51 5.1 5 50 2.2 6 47 2.5 7 52 2.1 8 52 2.6 9 52 4.0 …但我得到了一个“LU-DECOMP中的奇





X    Y    Z
1   69  3.9

2   44  5.2

3   39  2.6

4   51  5.1

5   50  2.2

6   47  2.5

7   52  2.1

8   52  2.6

9   52  4.0




unset surface
unset key
set view map
set pm3d
set palette defined (0 'black', 1 'gray40', 2 'dark-green', 3 '#fee000', 4 '#fc7a00', 5 '#ff0000')
set cbrange [0:5]
set output 'temp.jpg'

set term jpeg size 900, 900 enhanced font '/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf' 12  #000000 Effffff
set dgrid3d 400,400 splines
set size square
set xtics("" 1, "X Label 1" 2, "X Label 2" 3, "X Label 3" 4, "X Label 4" 5, "X Label 5" 6, "X Label 6" 7, "X Label 7" 8, "X Label 8" 9, "X Label 9" 10)
unset label
unset title
set title '{/=18 Title}'  offset 0, .5
set ylabel '{/=18 Y Label}'  offset -1.6, 0
set xlabel '{/=18 X Label}'  offset 0,-3.0
set xtics out nomirror
set ytics out nomirror
set ytics("25" 0, "30" 1, "35" 2, "40" 3, "45" 4, "50" 5, "55" 6, "60" 7, "65" 8, "70" 9, "75" 10, "" 11)
set y2tics("25" 0, "30" 1, "35" 2, "40" 3, "45" 4, "50" 5, "55" 6, "60" 7, "65" 8, "70" 9, "75" 10, "" 11)

set xrange [0:11] 
set yrange [0:11]
unset colorbox 

set link x2; set link y2

splot [1:] '/gnuplot_data_test_v400.txt' matrix


# http://hirophysics.com/gnuplot/gnuplot10.html
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17154364/gnuplot-pm3d-plot-triangle-data?rq=1
# https://askubuntu.com/questions/900501/i-cant-splot-with-pm3d-map-my-data-file-gnuplot
# http://lowrank.net/gnuplot/datafile-e.html#3dim
# http://psy.swansea.ac.uk/staff/carter/gnuplot/gnuplot_3d.htm




### heatmap with boxxyerror
reset session

# X    Y    Z
$Data <<EOD
1   69  3.9
2   44  5.2
3   39  2.6
4   51  5.1
5   50  2.2
6   47  2.5
7   52  2.1
8   52  2.6
9   52  4.0

myXLabels = '"Label A" "Label B" "Label C" "Label D" "Label E" "Label F" "Label G" "Label H" "Label I"'
myXtic(col) = word(myXLabels,int(column(col)))
BoxWidth = 1
BoxHeight = 1
xLow(col)  = column(col)-BoxWidth/2.
xHigh(col) = column(col)+BoxWidth/2.
yLow(col)  = column(col)-BoxHeight/2.
yHigh(col) = column(col)+BoxHeight/2.

set style fill solid 1.0
plot $Data u 1:2:(xLow(1)):(xHigh(1)):(yLow(2)):(yHigh(2)):3:xtic(myXtic(1)) w boxxy fc palette notitle
### end of code
### heatmap with interpolation
reset session

# X    Y    Z
$Data <<EOD
1   69  3.9
2   44  5.2
3   39  2.6
4   51  5.1
5   50  2.2
6   47  2.5
7   52  2.1
8   52  2.6
9   52  4.0

# add some points in the corners with z=0
set print $Data append
do for [x=0:10:10] {
    do for [y=35:70:35] {
        print sprintf("%g %g %g",x,y,0)
set print

set view map
set palette defined (0 'black', 1 'gray40', 2 'dark-green', 3 '#fee000', 4 '#fc7a00', 5 '#ff0000')
set dgrid3d 200,200 gauss kdensity 1.5
unset key
set tics out

splot $Data u 1:2:3 w pm3d
### end of code

### heatmap with boxxyerror
reset session

# X    Y    Z
$Data <<EOD
1   69  3.9
2   44  5.2
3   39  2.6
4   51  5.1
5   50  2.2
6   47  2.5
7   52  2.1
8   52  2.6
9   52  4.0

myXLabels = '"Label A" "Label B" "Label C" "Label D" "Label E" "Label F" "Label G" "Label H" "Label I"'
myXtic(col) = word(myXLabels,int(column(col)))
BoxWidth = 1
BoxHeight = 1
xLow(col)  = column(col)-BoxWidth/2.
xHigh(col) = column(col)+BoxWidth/2.
yLow(col)  = column(col)-BoxHeight/2.
yHigh(col) = column(col)+BoxHeight/2.

set style fill solid 1.0
plot $Data u 1:2:(xLow(1)):(xHigh(1)):(yLow(2)):(yHigh(2)):3:xtic(myXtic(1)) w boxxy fc palette notitle
### end of code
### heatmap with interpolation
reset session

# X    Y    Z
$Data <<EOD
1   69  3.9
2   44  5.2
3   39  2.6
4   51  5.1
5   50  2.2
6   47  2.5
7   52  2.1
8   52  2.6
9   52  4.0

# add some points in the corners with z=0
set print $Data append
do for [x=0:10:10] {
    do for [y=35:70:35] {
        print sprintf("%g %g %g",x,y,0)
set print

set view map
set palette defined (0 'black', 1 'gray40', 2 'dark-green', 3 '#fee000', 4 '#fc7a00', 5 '#ff0000')
set dgrid3d 200,200 gauss kdensity 1.5
unset key
set tics out

splot $Data u 1:2:3 w pm3d
### end of code
