Actionscript 3 Actionscript 3.0让air在iDevice上进行屏幕拍摄

Actionscript 3 Actionscript 3.0让air在iDevice上进行屏幕拍摄,actionscript-3,air,Actionscript 3,Air,我想知道如何用ActionScript3截屏并保存到iPad,我的代码适用于adobe flash player和android平板电脑。然而,它在iPad上不起作用。有什么建议吗 /** * ScreenCapture * * This function take the abliity to print screen the stage and ready to output to the user to view * */ package actions{ impor

我想知道如何用ActionScript3截屏并保存到iPad,我的代码适用于adobe flash player和android平板电脑。然而,它在iPad上不起作用。有什么建议吗

* ScreenCapture
* This function take the abliity to print screen the stage and ready to output to the user to view
package actions{
    import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
    import flash.errors.MemoryError;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
    import utility.Base64;

    public class ScreenCapture extends Sprite{

        public function ScreenCapture() {

        * saveImage
        * Seek into the container and find how many child is in the container
        * @param    image   the movieclip about to be print screened
        * @param    imageName   the number of the image file
        public function saveImage(type:String, image:MovieClip, imageName:String) {
            //try {
                var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData( image.width, image.height );
                var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(85);
                var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(jpgSource);
                if(type == 'fileSave'){
                    var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
                    //file.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler );
           jpgStream, imageName );
                }else if(type == 'fetchImg'){
                    return jpgStream;
            /**catch( ioe:IllegalOperationError ) {
                trace("Illegal operation.");
            catch( ae:ArgumentError ) {
                trace("Invalid argument.");
            catch( me:MemoryError ) {
                trace("Insufficient memory.");
            catch( error:Error ) {
                trace("Error trying to save image : " + imageName 
                      + " . Error : " + error);

        * Handles IOErrors.
        /**private function ioErrorHandler( event:IOErrorEvent ) : void {
            trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);




