Ajax JQuery post方法未执行

Ajax JQuery post方法未执行,ajax,jquery,jquery-post,Ajax,Jquery,Jquery Post,我以前从未编写过Ajax,目前我正在尝试编写一个无限滚动页面。当用户向下滚动到页面底部时,应该加载更多的项目,但现在没有加载。下面是我的Javascript,用于检测它们何时触底并进行Ajax调用: window.onload=function(){ //Find out how many items I have loaded and what filter I am using so I can make the Ajax call var vloaded = <?php echo $


//Find out how many items I have loaded and what filter I am using so I can make the Ajax call
var vloaded = <?php echo $i; ?>;
var vfilter = "<?php echo $filter ?>";
$(window).on('scroll', function () { 
  if ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - 10) {
    //I have reached the bottom of the page, now load items
    alert("loaded is " + vloaded + " and filter is " + vfilter);
        { filter: vfilter, loaded: vloaded }, 
                function(responseText) {
    //I've loaded the next 30 items, increment my counter for next time
    vloaded +=30;   


使用jQuery函数$document.ready代替window.onload属性。 使用jQuery函数$.ajax而不是$.post 我重构只是为了更容易阅读

// put these in the global scope
var vloaded = <?php echo $i; ?>;
var vfilter = "<?php echo $filter ?>";


  // I forgot to leave this in
  $(window).on('scroll', function () 
      var height = $(window).height();
      var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
      var dHeight = $(document).height();

      if( height + scrollTop >= dHeight - 10) 
          alert("loaded is " + vloaded + " and filter is " + vfilter);

          // an AJAX request instead of a POST request
              type: "POST",
              url: "/organizer/getMore",
              data: { filter: vfilter, loaded: vloaded },
              dataType: "html",
              success: function( responseText, textStatus, XHR )
                // select the element with the ID grid and insert the HTML
                $( "#grid" ).html( responseText );

          // global variable
          vloaded +=30;

      } // if

  ); // on

} // ready

// put these in the global scope
var vloaded = <?php echo $i; ?>;
var vfilter = "<?php echo $filter ?>";


  // I forgot to leave this in
  $(window).on('scroll', function () 
      var height = $(window).height();
      var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
      var dHeight = $(document).height();

      if( height + scrollTop >= dHeight - 10) 
          alert("loaded is " + vloaded + " and filter is " + vfilter);

          // an AJAX request instead of a POST request
              type: "POST",
              url: "/organizer/getMore",
              data: { filter: vfilter, loaded: vloaded },
              dataType: "html",
              success: function( responseText, textStatus, XHR )
                // select the element with the ID grid and insert the HTML
                $( "#grid" ).html( responseText );

          // global variable
          vloaded +=30;

      } // if

  ); // on

} // ready