
在android上设置EGL的跟踪方法,android,Android,从中,它说,我可以设置跟踪方法: /** * There are three different tracing methods: * 1. libs/EGL/trace.cpp: Traces all functions to systrace. * To enable: * - set system property "debug.egl.trace" to "systrace" to trace all apps. * 2. libs/EGL/trace.cpp:


 * There are three different tracing methods:
 * 1. libs/EGL/trace.cpp: Traces all functions to systrace.
 *    To enable:
 *      - set system property "debug.egl.trace" to "systrace" to trace all apps.
 * 2. libs/EGL/trace.cpp: Logs a stack trace for GL errors after each function call.
 *    To enable:
 *      - set system property "debug.egl.trace" to "error" to trace all apps.
 * 3. libs/EGL/trace.cpp: Traces all functions to logcat.
 *    To enable:
 *      - set system property "debug.egl.trace" to 1 to trace all apps.
 *      - or call setGLTraceLevel(1) from an app to enable tracing for that app.
 * 4. libs/GLES_trace: Traces all functions via protobuf to host.
 *    To enable:
 *        - set system property "debug.egl.debug_proc" to the application name.
 *      - or call setGLDebugLevel(1) from the app.


  • 亚行壳牌
  • setprop debug.egl.trace错误
  • 停止
  • 开始
  • 运行应用程序

  • 隐马尔可夫模型。。单凭这一点是不行的。我认为EGL库需要在编译时启用这些特性。