Android 在adb shell中运行uiautomator事件时无法获取资源id

Android 在adb shell中运行uiautomator事件时无法获取资源id,android,shell,Android,Shell,我们正在adb外壳中运行uiautomator事件。它应该转储所有可访问性事件,但不提供资源id 08-03 12:22:13.520 EventType: TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED; EventTime: 185419; PackageName: com.nimbuzz; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.Button; Text: [I´m new to Nimbuzz]; ContentD


08-03 12:22:13.520 EventType: TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED; EventTime: 185419; PackageName: com.nimbuzz; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.Button; Text: [I´m new to Nimbuzz]; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
我需要一个资源id属性。 使用的资源: 安卓4.4版
