Android TV apk:禁止降级以前使用M权限的设备

Android TV apk:禁止降级以前使用M权限的设备,android,google-play,android-tv,Android,Google Play,Android Tv,我不久前为手机和平板电脑开发了一个应用程序。几周前,我还为Android TV创建了一个不同的APK,并将其作为测试版上传。由于某些原因,电视应用程序被拒绝(此处不相关) 几天前,我为手机和电视创建了一个单独的APK,在尝试将其上传到google play时出现以下错误: - It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs whic

我不久前为手机和平板电脑开发了一个应用程序。几周前,我还为Android TV创建了一个不同的APK,并将其作为测试版上传。由于某些原因,电视应用程序被拒绝(此处不相关)

几天前,我为手机和电视创建了一个单独的APK,在尝试将其上传到google play时出现以下错误:

- It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 33 (target SDK 23) to version 35 (target SDK 22).
- A device with API levels in range 21+ is eligible to receive version 13, which is optimized for higher API levels, but actually receives version 15 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when 
Release track containing any of [BETA] and Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and Features containing all of [android.hardware.MICROPHONE, android.hardware.screen.LANDSCAPE, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT,].
 - A device upgrading from API levels in range 9-20 to API levels in range 21+ would become eligible to receive version 33, which is optimized for higher API levels, but would actually receive version 35 because it has a higher version code. This would occur when 
Release track containing any of [BETA] and Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and 
Features containing all of [android.hardware.MICROPHONE, android.hardware.screen.LANDSCAPE, android.hardware.screen.PORTRAIT,].
- Some devices are eligible to run multiple APKs. In such a scenario, the device will receive the APK with the higher version code.

因此,现在我停用了电视的beta APK,但仍会收到以下错误:

It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 33 (target SDK 23) to version 35 (target SDK 22).
Some devices are eligible to run multiple APKs. In such a scenario, the device will receive the APK with the higher version code.


targetSdkVersion 23

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="23" />

即使您在Google Play上停用APK,也不会从安装该应用程序的任何设备上删除该版本的应用程序。如果我理解正确的话,第一个测试版在任何人有机会下载之前就被拒绝了。您可能需要联系Google Player支持人员,并向他们解释情况。