Android 如何将UI元素中的信息返回到线程中

Android 如何将UI元素中的信息返回到线程中,android,multithreading,google-maps,Android,Multithreading,Google Maps,我用谷歌地图创建了一个应用程序。 我想做一些数学运算,并在一个一直运行的线程中更新谷歌地图的标记 我的线程需要知道当前googleMap的相机缩放以及LatLngBounds来更新标记 如果我这样做,它将完美工作: class updateMap implements Runnable{ private double currentZoom; private LatLngBounds screenRegion; @Override public void run(

我用谷歌地图创建了一个应用程序。 我想做一些数学运算,并在一个一直运行的线程中更新谷歌地图的标记



class updateMap implements Runnable{
    private double currentZoom;
    private LatLngBounds screenRegion;
    public void run(){
        while(!threadStop){//threadStop is a boolean to stop threads when onDestroy() is called
                screenRegion = googleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;//fetches the screen's visible region
                currentZoom = googleMap.getCameraPosition().zoom;
            if(googleMap != null){//if my googleMap is fine
                if(currentZoom >= 13){ //if the Camera's zoom is greater or equal than 13
                    //do some maths...
                    //updates the markers on the GoogleMap

class updateMap implements Runnable{
    private double currentZoom;
    private LatLngBounds screenRegion;
    boolean map = false;
    public void run(){
        while(!threadStop){//threadStop is a boolean to stop threads when onDestroy() is called
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {//Here I execute this piece of code on the UI thread to get the variables
                public void run() {
                    if(googleMap != null){
                        map = true;
                        screenRegion = googleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;//fetches the screen's visible region
                        currentZoom = googleMap.getCameraPosition().zoom;
            if(map){//if my googleMap is fine
                if(currentZoom >= 13){ //if the Camera's zoom is greater or equal than 13
                    //do some maths...
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
                        public void run(){
                            //updates the markers on the GoogleMap


