Angularjs 即使在删除后,也会显示已删除的项目

Angularjs 即使在删除后,也会显示已删除的项目,angularjs,sweetalert2,Angularjs,Sweetalert2,我使用sweetalert 2进行删除,但当我单击删除图标时,会出现sweetalert,当我确认删除某个项目时,它不会删除,但此后,下次单击同一项目中的删除图标时,该项目会被删除,然后会出现sweetalert。 注意:第一次从数组中删除该项 $scope.remove = function (i) { // let r = confirm("Are you sure? Do you need to delete the keyword?"); // let r = fals

我使用sweetalert 2进行删除,但当我单击删除图标时,会出现sweetalert,当我确认删除某个项目时,它不会删除,但此后,下次单击同一项目中的删除图标时,该项目会被删除,然后会出现sweetalert。

$scope.remove = function (i) {
    // let r = confirm("Are you sure? Do you need to delete the keyword?");
    //  let r = false;
        title: "Are you sure?",
        text: "Once aaa deleted, you will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
        icon: "warning",
        buttons: true,
        dangerMode: true,
        showLoaderOnConfirm: true
    .then((willDelete) => {
        if (willDelete) {
            // console.log("r2success" + r);
            // console.log("r1success" + r);
            // r = true;
            $scope.taggingRows.splice(i, 1);
            // console.log(" i " + i + " & " + "r " + r);
            $scope.taggingRowsAct.splice(i, 0);
            swal("Your file has been deleted!", {
                icon: "success",

        } else {
            swal("Your file was not deleted!");
            console.log("r1canceled" + r);
            r = false;
            console.log("r2canceled" + r);


.then((willDelete) => {
        if (willDelete) {
            $scope.taggingRows.splice(i, 1);
            // console.log(" i " + i + " & " + "r " + r);
            $scope.taggingRowsAct.splice(i, 0);


            swal("Your file has been deleted!", {
                icon: "success",

        } else {
            swal("Your file was not deleted!");
            console.log("r1canceled" + r);
            r = false;
            console.log("r2canceled" + r);