Angularjs 如何在ng网格分组中设置复选框

Angularjs 如何在ng网格分组中设置复选框,angularjs,checkbox,ng-grid,Angularjs,Checkbox,Ng Grid,是否可以在ng网格分组标题中设置复选框? 单击该分组复选框时,应选中该特定组下所有行的复选框。 其他组行应保持未选中状态 现在,当我的gridOptions如下所示时,我会看到所有行的复选框,以及表格标题中的复选框。当拖动列标题以将其用于分组时,分组行标题没有复选框。 有人能帮忙吗 $scope.gridOptions = { data: 'myData', showGroupPanel: true, showSelectionCheckbox: true, jq

是否可以在ng网格分组标题中设置复选框? 单击该分组复选框时,应选中该特定组下所有行的复选框。 其他组行应保持未选中状态

现在,当我的gridOptions如下所示时,我会看到所有行的复选框,以及表格标题中的复选框。当拖动列标题以将其用于分组时,分组行标题没有复选框。 有人能帮忙吗

$scope.gridOptions = {
    data: 'myData',
    showGroupPanel: true,
    showSelectionCheckbox: true,
    jqueryUITheme: true,
    enableCellSelection: true,
    enableRowSelection: true,
    enableCellEdit: false,
    pinSelectionCheckbox: false,
    selectWithCheckboxOnly: true


$scope.gridOptions = {
  data: 'myData',
  showGroupPanel: true,
  showSelectionCheckbox: true,
  jqueryUITheme: true,
  enableRowSelection: true,
  aggregateTemplate: "<div ng-init=\"initAggregateGroup(row)\" ng-style=\"rowStyle(row)\" style=\"top: 0px; height: 48px; left: 0px; cursor:pointer\" class=\"ngAggregate\">" +
"    <span class=\"ngAggregateText\" ng-click=\"expandGroupChilds($event, row)\">{{row.label CUSTOM_FILTERS}} ({{row.totalChildren()}} {{AggItemsLabel}})</span>" +
"<input class=\"ngSelectionHeader\" type=\"checkbox\" ng-show=\"multiSelect\" ng-checked=\"row.status.isChecked\" ng-model=\"row.status.isChecked\" ng-change=\"toggleGroupSelectedChilds(row)\" /></div>"  



span class=“{{row.aggClass()}}>”
ng click=“expandGroupChildren($event,row)”
ng click=“$event.stopPropagation()”

var aggregateTemplate = '<div ng-init="initAggregateGroup(row)" ng-style="rowStyle(row)" style="top: 0; height: 48px; left: 0; cursor:pointer" class="ngAggregate" ng-click="expandGroupChildren($event, row)">' +
    '<span class="{{row.aggClass()}}"></span>' +
    '<input class="ngSelectionHeader" type="checkbox" ng-show="multiSelect" ng-checked="row.status.isChecked" ng-model="row.status.isChecked" ng-change="setGroupSelection(row)" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" />' +
    '<span class="ngAggregateText">{{row.label CUSTOM_FILTERS}} ({{row.totalChildren()}} {{AggItemsLabel}})</span>' +

row.selectionProvider.setSelection (row, group.status.isChecked)




angular.extend ($scope, {
    initAggregateGroup  : initAggregateGroup,
    expandGroupChildren : expandGroupChildren,
    setGroupSelection   : setGroupSelection

function initAggregateGroup (group) {
    group.status = {
        isChecked: getGroupSelection (group)
    $scope.$watch (
        function () {
            return getGroupSelection (group)
        function (isSelected) {
            setGroupSelection (group, isSelected);

function expandGroupChildren ($event, group) {
    $event.stopPropagation ();
    $event.preventDefault ();
    group.toggleExpand ();

function setGroupSelection (group, isSelected) {
    // Sets the field when called by the watcher (in which case the field needs to be updated)
    // or during recursion (in which case the objects inside aggChildren don't have it set at all)
    if (_.isBoolean (isSelected)) {
        group.status = { isChecked : isSelected }
    // Protects against infinite digest loops caused by the watcher above
    if (group.status.isChecked === getGroupSelection (group)) { return }

    _.forEach (group.children, function (row) {
        // children: ngRow objects that represent actual data rows
        row.selectionProvider.setSelection (row, group.status.isChecked);
    _.forEach (group.aggChildren, function (subGroup) {
        // aggChildren: ngAggregate objects that represent groups
        setGroupSelection (subGroup, group.status.isChecked);

function getGroupSelection (group) {
    if (group.children.length > 0) {
        return _.every (group.children, 'selected');
    if (group.aggChildren.length > 0) {
        return _.every (group.aggChildren, getGroupSelection);
    return false;


我认为问题(至少在ngGrid 2.0.12中对我来说)在于ngGrid没有正确地将rowIndex字段映射到其模型中的正确行。我认为这是因为行被重新排列以进行分组和排序,而内部映射没有保持不变

row.selectionProvider.setSelection (row, group.status.isChecked)
angular.extend ($scope, {
    initAggregateGroup  : initAggregateGroup,
    expandGroupChildren : expandGroupChildren,
    setGroupSelection   : setGroupSelection

function initAggregateGroup (group) {
    group.status = {
        isChecked: getGroupSelection (group)
    $scope.$watch (
        function () {
            return getGroupSelection (group)
        function (isSelected) {
            setGroupSelection (group, isSelected);

function expandGroupChildren ($event, group) {
    $event.stopPropagation ();
    $event.preventDefault ();
    group.toggleExpand ();

function setGroupSelection (group, isSelected) {
    // Sets the field when called by the watcher (in which case the field needs to be updated)
    // or during recursion (in which case the objects inside aggChildren don't have it set at all)
    if (_.isBoolean (isSelected)) {
        group.status = { isChecked : isSelected }
    // Protects against infinite digest loops caused by the watcher above
    if (group.status.isChecked === getGroupSelection (group)) { return }

    _.forEach (group.children, function (row) {
        // children: ngRow objects that represent actual data rows
        row.selectionProvider.setSelection (row, group.status.isChecked);
    _.forEach (group.aggChildren, function (subGroup) {
        // aggChildren: ngAggregate objects that represent groups
        setGroupSelection (subGroup, group.status.isChecked);

function getGroupSelection (group) {
    if (group.children.length > 0) {
        return _.every (group.children, 'selected');
    if (group.aggChildren.length > 0) {
        return _.every (group.aggChildren, getGroupSelection);
    return false;