Angularjs 我可以设置ui路由器状态';数据属性的动态变化?

Angularjs 我可以设置ui路由器状态';数据属性的动态变化?,angularjs,angular-ui-router,state,router,Angularjs,Angular Ui Router,State,Router,假设我有这样一个州定义: $stateProvider.state("main", { url: "main/:param/list", controller: "MainController", data: function($stateParams) { if($stateParams.param === "A") { return 'param1'; } else if($stateParams.param === "B") {


$stateProvider.state("main", {
   url: "main/:param/list",
   controller: "MainController",
   data: function($stateParams) {
      if($stateParams.param === "A") {
         return 'param1';
      } else if($stateParams.param === "B") {
         return 'param2';


数据对象是要添加到$state服务的任何数据的存储,这意味着您可以将函数存储在其中,但不会执行它,我假设这不是您试图实现的,您可以了解如何将自定义数据添加到$state ,因此,要执行您想要执行的逻辑,您必须使用控制器而不是$state服务,如下所示:

$stateProvider.state("main", {
 url: "main/:param/list",
 controller: "MainController"/*,
 //only if you want to "store" your data on the $state, u can use it like this
 data: {
  myCustomParam: 'my Awesome Value'
})//..all your other states

//now you pass the parameter in the url like This
//and in the controller
app.controller('MainController',function($state, $stateParams){
  //Here you do your Logic
  if($stateParams.param === "myparamvalue") {
     console.log('param1');//it should go here
  } else if($stateParams.param === "anythingelse") {
  /*if you have any values to get from the state data as previously mentioned you can get it like this*/
  console.log($;//output: my Awesome Value

