Angularjs 如何使用Jasmine测试剑道UI网格列大小调整事件

Angularjs 如何使用Jasmine测试剑道UI网格列大小调整事件,angularjs,kendo-ui,Angularjs,Kendo Ui,有人知道我如何测试剑道网格的列大小调整吗 网格是使用名为sgGrid的angularjs指令构建的。它使用的数据来自一个名为accountColumns的javascript对象,我在其中设置了100px的初始列宽 然后我想在网格上触发“columnResize”事件 接下来,我再次获取列的宽度,并希望它已更改,因为已触发columnResize事件 it('should resize the column when column resize event is fired', functio





 it('should resize the column when column resize event is fired', function () {
    angular.mock.inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $timeout) {
        var scope = $rootScope.$new();

        // javascript object containing data for columns used in the directive to construct the grid
        scope.accountColumns = [
            {field: 'accountId', title: 'AccountId', dataType: 'integer', width: '100px'},
            ...more fields here

         var elem = $compile('<div sg-grid sg-columns="accountColumns"></div>')(scope); // construct the grid. sg-grid is an angularjs directive that creates a kendo grid


        var grid = elem.find('div[data-role="grid"]').data('kendoGrid'); // the kendo grid object

        $timeout.flush(100); // wait for DOM to load

        var colWidth = elem.find('colgroup col').eq(0).css('width'); // get the 1st column, AccountId

        expect(colWidth).toBe('100px'); // expect col width to be 100px because this is what we specified in the json


        colWidth = elem.find('colgroup col').eq(0).css('width'); // get the 1st column, AccountId

        expect(colWidth).toBe('200px'); // 200px just an arbitrary figure, the point is I expect the width to have changed






it('should resize the column when column resize event is fired', function () {
   angular.mock.inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $timeout) {
      var scope = $rootScope.$new();

      function gridColumnResizeHandler(e) {
         e.sender.columns[0].width=e.newWidth; // update the column's width

      // javascript object containing data for columns used in the directive to construct the grid
      scope.accountColumns = [
         {field: 'accountId', title: 'AccountId', dataType: 'integer', width: '100px'},
        ...more fields here

      var elem = $compile('<div sg-grid sg-columns="accountColumns"></div>')(scope); // construct the grid. sg-grid is an angularjs directive that creates a kendo grid


      var grid = elem.find('div[data-role="grid"]').data('kendoGrid'); // the kendo grid object

      $timeout.flush(100); // wait for DOM to load

      var colWidth = elem.find('colgroup col').eq(0).css('width'); // get the 1st column, AccountId

      expect(colWidth).toBe('100px'); // expect col width to be 100px because this is what we specified in the json

      grid.bind("columnResize", gridColumnResizeHandler); // bind the event

      grid.trigger('columnResize',{column:grid.columns[1], oldWidth:100, newWidth:200, sender:grid}); // trigger the event, passing in a js object with relevant data

      colWidth = elem.find('colgroup col').eq(0).css('width'); // get the 1st column, AccountId

      expect(colWidth).toBe('200px'); // now because of the handler function you can be assured the column will have been increased.
