Apache spark Pyspark将所有嵌入结构展平到同一级别

Apache spark Pyspark将所有嵌入结构展平到同一级别,apache-spark,pyspark,apache-spark-sql,pyspark-dataframes,flatten,Apache Spark,Pyspark,Apache Spark Sql,Pyspark Dataframes,Flatten,有没有一种简单的方法可以制作从上到下的图片,其中所有列以一种不需要的方式彼此相邻,处于同一级别? 您可以通过从内部结构添加字段来更新源结构。大概是这样的: # get all fields of source struct except the inner struct e_struct source_cols = [col(f"source.{c}") for c in df.select(col("source.*")).columns if c != "e_struct"] # get



# get all fields of source struct except the inner struct e_struct
source_cols = [col(f"source.{c}") for c in df.select(col("source.*")).columns if c != "e_struct"]

# get all fields of the inner struct e_struct
e_struct_cols = [col(f"source.e_struct.{c}") for c in df.select(col("source.e_struct.*")).columns]

# combine them
new_struct_cols = source_cols + e_struct_cols

# update source column
df = df.withColumn("source", struct(*new_struct_cols))