
Applescript将文件移动到自定义文件夹,applescript,Applescript,我试图制作一个Applescript,将聚光灯下的文件移动到对话框指定的文件夹中。我想让脚本找到我输入的文件夹的路径,但是,我无法让它工作。有人能帮忙吗?提前感谢,如果您能告诉我为什么我的代码没有全部进入预览中的一个块,您将获得额外的积分:( 问题出在星号开始和结束的地方 这是代码 repeat 1 times set spotlightquery to quoted form of text returned of (display dialog "What do you want




 repeat 1 times

    set spotlightquery to quoted form of text returned of (display dialog "What do you want to search?" default answer "" buttons {"Search!"} default button 1)

    if spotlightquery = "''" then
        exit repeat
    end if
    set thefolders to {path to home folder}
    set founditems to {}
    repeat with i in thefolders
        set thepath to quoted form of POSIX path of i
        if exists thepath then
            set command to "mdfind -onlyin " & thepath & " " & spotlightquery
            set founditems to founditems & (paragraphs of (do shell script command))
        end if
    end repeat
    if founditems = {} then
        display dialog "No items found." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
        exit repeat
    end if

    display dialog "" & founditems & "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    set location to the button returned of (display dialog "Where would you like to move it?" buttons {"C Folder", "Desktop", "Other"} default button 3)
    if location = "C Folder" then
        tell application "Finder"
            set moveTo to "Macintosh HD:Users:aaronmcclellan:Desktop:Coding:C"
            move file founditems to folder moveTo
        end tell
        if location = "Desktop" then
            tell application "Finder"
                set moveTo to the path to desktop folder
                move file founditems to folder moveTo
            end tell
        end if
        *if location = "Other" then
            set fold to the text returned of (display dialog "Where would you like to move it?" default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1)
            set moveTo to fold
            tell application "System Events"
                ##error occurs here
                            move file founditems to folder moveTo
            end tell
        end if*
    end if
  end repeat


set getMovedTo to "Macintosh HD:Users:aaronmcclellan:Desktop:Coding:C"
move file founditems to folder moveTo


move (file founditems) to (folder moveTo)


repeat with theFile in foundItems
    move file theFile to folder moveTo
end repeat

你真的应该首先调试并找出哪一行失败了。将显示对话框放在检查点并验证变量是否正确。然后你可以询问为什么某一行或块不能正常工作,而不是整个例程。我在代码开始失败的地方加了星号。谢谢!你到底在哪一行上出错了,你到底遇到了什么样的错误?是的,否则很难帮助你。在if块周围加一个Try块,然后报告报告报告的错误。其他问题:C文件夹和桌面选项是否正常工作?为什么你使用DispDialog而不使用Choose Folder对话框?你是用旧的:mac:format还是posix/path/format键入文件夹路径?I对于posix,您需要更改移动行以适应。对不起,各位。我有工作要做,因此无法帮助阅读您的评论。我添加了错误发生的位置。您是正确的。但是,这是一个简单的修复方法。感谢您指出。