
通过Applescript粘贴剪贴板时出错,applescript,clipboard,playlist,Applescript,Clipboard,Playlist,编写脚本以帮助我保持播放列表与计算机之间的同步 我想我应该通过applescript来做 前半部分是向m3u的导出,这正是我要解决的问题 代码是: property delimiter_character : " - " tell application "iTunes" set this_playlist to playlist "Alternative Mixtape" set this_name to (the name of this_playlist) as string set





property delimiter_character : " - "

tell application "iTunes"

set this_playlist to playlist "Alternative Mixtape"
set this_name to (the name of this_playlist) as string

set the playlist_count to the count of tracks of this_playlist
set playlist_data to {}
tell this_playlist
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of tracks
        tell track i
            set the end of the playlist_data to {name, delimiter_character, artist, return, location, return}
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell

end tell

set FileName to "Path:To:File.m3u"
set theFile to open for access FileName with write permission
write playlist_data to theFile
close access theFile


alisvvHDD…年度最佳髋关节。mp3‡ËH+Ï›g∏mMp3 hookˇBye Bye…Ïm3u是一个文本文件。您的问题在您的代码中,播放列表数据被创建为列表。事实上,这是一个更复杂的列表列表。因此,您正在将列表作为文本写入文件。。。这就是它被搞砸的原因。试试这个代码。它将播放列表_数据创建为文本而不是列表,以便正确写入文件。我还做了一些其他的优化。我希望有帮助


property delimiter_character : " - "

set playlistName to "CD 01"
set filePath to (path to desktop as text) & "cd01.txt"

tell application "iTunes"
    set theTracks to tracks of playlist playlistName

    set playlist_data to ""
    repeat with aTrack in theTracks
        tell aTrack
            set trackName to name
            set trackArtist to artist
            set trackLocation to location
        end tell
        set playlist_data to playlist_data & trackName & delimiter_character & trackArtist & return & trackLocation & return & return
    end repeat
end tell

    set theFile to open for access file filePath with write permission
    write playlist_data to theFile
    close access theFile
on error
    close access file filePath
end try


property delimiter_character : " - "

set playlistName to "CD 01"
set filePath to (path to desktop as text) & "cd01.txt"

tell application "iTunes"
    set theTracks to tracks of playlist playlistName

    set playlist_data to ""
    repeat with aTrack in theTracks
        tell aTrack
            set trackName to name
            set trackArtist to artist
            set trackLocation to location
        end tell
        set playlist_data to playlist_data & trackName & delimiter_character & trackArtist & return & trackLocation & return & return
    end repeat
end tell

    set theFile to open for access file filePath with write permission
    write playlist_data to theFile
    close access theFile
on error
    close access file filePath
end try