
AppleScript-将子文件夹中包含的所有文件移动到顶部文件夹,applescript,Applescript,我正在寻找对当前脚本的编辑。我需要的是将所有文件从子文件夹(递归)移动到一个顶部文件夹中,但是如果存在同名文件,请创建一个新的顶部文件夹并继续,这就是我到目前为止所做的: tell application "Finder" try set Random_name to random number from 100 to 9999 set theTopFolder to (choose folder) set theFiles to a re


tell application "Finder"
        set Random_name to random number from 100 to 9999
        set theTopFolder to (choose folder)
        set theFiles to a reference to every file of (entire contents of folder theTopFolder)
        set theNewFolder to make new folder at theTopFolder with properties {name:"Flattened Files"}
        move theFiles to theNewFolder
    on error
        set theNewFolder to make new folder at theTopFolder with properties {name:"Flattened Files" & Random_name}
        move theFiles to theNewFolder
    end try

end tell







set theTopFolder to (choose folder)
tell application "Finder"
    set theNewFolder to make new folder at theTopFolder with properties {name:"Flattened Files"}
    set theFiles to every file of (entire contents of folder theTopFolder) as alias list
    repeat with aFile in theFiles
        if file ((theNewFolder as text) & (name of aFile)) exists then -- use added folders for duplicates
            set counter to 1
            set done to false
            repeat until done
                set suffix to text -2 thru -1 of ("000000" & counter) -- leading zeros for sorting
                set alternateFolder to (theTopFolder as text) & "Flattened Files" & space & suffix
                tell me to (do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of alternateFolder) -- make new folder as needed
                if file (alternateFolder & ":" & (name of aFile)) exists then -- continue to next one
                    set counter to counter + 1
                    move aFile to folder alternateFolder
                    # set theNewFolder to folder alternateFolder -- uncomment to continue moving here after a duplicate
                    set done to true
                end if
            end repeat
            move aFile to folder (theNewFolder as text)
        end if
    end repeat
end tell
