
在Applescript中创建文件夹时出错,applescript,directory,Applescript,Directory,因此,我在运行此命令时出错: on hazelProcessFile(theFile) set text item delimiters to ":" set filename to last text item of (theFile as text) set text item delimiters to "." if filename contains "." then set base to text items 1 thru -2 of filename as text


    on hazelProcessFile(theFile)
set text item delimiters to ":"
set filename to last text item of (theFile as text)
set text item delimiters to "."
if filename contains "." then
    set base to text items 1 thru -2 of filename as text
    set extension to "." & text item -1 of filename
    set base to filename
    set extension to ""
end if
set text item delimiters to {"720p", "HDTV", "x264", "IMMERSE", "-", "E01", "…", "E02", "EVOLVE"}
set ti to text items of base
set text item delimiters to ""
set newbase to ti as text
set newbase to Replace(newbase, "S0", "Season ")
set newbase to Replace(newbase, ".", " ")
set newbase to Replace(newbase, "   ", "")
set newbase to Replace(newbase, "  ", "")
set folderLocation to "/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/"
set folderName to newbase as text
tell application "Finder"
    if newbase contains "Season" then
        if not (exists folder (POSIX file "/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/" & newbase as text)) then
            set p to path to "/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/"
            --make new folder at p with properties {name:newbase}
            make new folder with properties {name:folderName, location:p}
            move theFile to POSIX file "/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/" & newbase as text
            set name of result to newbase
        end if
        move theFile to POSIX file "/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Filmes/"
    end if
end tell
end hazelProcessFile

on Replace(input, x, y)
    set text item delimiters to x
    set ti to text items of input
    set text item delimiters to y
    ti as text
end Replace


NSLocalizedDescription = "Finder got an error: Can\U2019t make \"/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/\" into type constant.";
    NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Can\U2019t make \"/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/\" into type constant.";
    OSAScriptErrorAppAddressKey = "<NSAppleEventDescriptor: [0x0,c00c \"Finder\"]>";
    OSAScriptErrorAppNameKey = Finder;
    OSAScriptErrorBriefMessageKey = "Can\U2019t make \"/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/\" into type constant.";
    OSAScriptErrorExpectedTypeKey = "<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'enum'>";
    OSAScriptErrorMessageKey = "Finder got an error: Can\U2019t make \"/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/\" into type constant.";
    OSAScriptErrorNumberKey = "-1700";
    OSAScriptErrorOffendingObjectKey = "<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'utxt'(\"/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/\")>";
    OSAScriptErrorRangeKey = "NSRange: {0, 0}";


tell application "Finder"
    make new folder at POSIX file "/tmp" with properties {name:"new folder"}
end tell

显然,当目标位于不同的卷上时,move命令会复制文件。您可以改用do shell脚本:

if newbase contains "Season" then
    do shell script "d=/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/" & quoted form of newbase & "
mkdir -p \"$d\"
mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile & " $d"
    do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile & " /Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Filmes/"
end if

if newbase contains "Season" then
    do shell script "d=/Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Series/" & quoted form of newbase & "
mkdir -p \"$d\"
mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile & " $d"
    do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of theFile & " /Volumes/LaCie/Midia/Filmes/"
end if