
神秘的AppleScript错误:“;4.294967323E和#x2B;9Mahabalipuram“;不’;我不理解“;写入”;消息,applescript,Applescript,我的一个通过AppleScript与iPhoto通信的脚本的用户收到了这个错误,我无法重现:918:955:执行错误:iPhoto收到了一个错误:“4.294967323E+9Mahabalipuram”不理解“write”消息。(-1708) 产生错误的AppleScript是: set nul to character id 0 set text item delimiters to nul set albumsFile to "/Users/[user]/Downloads/blah.b



set nul to character id 0
set text item delimiters to nul

set albumsFile to "/Users/[user]/Downloads/blah.blah"
set fp to open for access (POSIX file albumsFile) with write permission

tell application "iPhoto"
    repeat with anAlbum in albums
        if anAlbum's type is regular album then
            set albumName to anAlbum's name
            if albumName is not "Last Import" then
                set albumPhotoIds to (id of every photo of anAlbum) as Unicode text
                if length of albumPhotoIds is greater than 0 then
                    set currentAlbum to anAlbum
                    repeat while currentAlbum's parent exists
                        set currentAlbum to currentAlbum's parent
                        set albumName to currentAlbum's name & " > " & albumName
                    end repeat
                    set albumId to anAlbum's id

                    set albumData to {"", albumId, albumName, ""} as Unicode text
                    write albumData to fp as Unicode text
                    write albumPhotoIds to fp as Unicode text
                    write nul to fp as Unicode text
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

close access fp



property nul : character id 0
set text item delimiters to nul

set albumsFile to (path to downloads folder as text) & "blah.txt"

tell application "iPhoto"
    repeat with anAlbum in albums
        if anAlbum's type is regular album then
            set albumName to anAlbum's name
            if albumName is not "Last Import" then
                set albumPhotoIds to (id of every photo of anAlbum)

                if length of albumPhotoIds is greater than 0 then
                    set currentAlbum to anAlbum
                    repeat while currentAlbum's parent exists
                        set currentAlbum to currentAlbum's parent
                        set albumName to currentAlbum's name & " > " & albumName
                    end repeat
                    set albumId to anAlbum's id
                    set albumData to {"", albumId, albumName, ""} as Unicode text

                    my writeIt(albumsFile, albumData, albumPhotoIds)
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

on writeIt(albums_File, album_Data, album_PhotoIds)
        set fp to open for access albums_File with write permission
        write album_Data to fp
        write album_PhotoIds to fp
        write nul to fp
        close access fp
    on error
            close access fp
        end try
    end try
end writeIt

tell me to write albumData to fp as Unicode text
tell me to write albumPhotoIds to fp as Unicode text
tell me to write nul to fp as Unicode text

