Arrays 在另一个数组中使用一个数组的结果

Arrays 在另一个数组中使用一个数组的结果,arrays,wordpress,post,Arrays,Wordpress,Post,我有一个登录用户在博客中跟随其他用户。我想让我的登录用户看到他们关注的用户的帖子 我运行一个查询,返回一个用户ID(用户ID 1)列表,登录用户(用户ID 2)在数组中跟随该列表。然后,我通过foreach循环运行该数组,以获取作为用户ID的用户列表,并将其放置在一个新数组中。返回的user1_id作为字符串进行回显。我现在想在另一个数组中使用返回的user1\u id,该数组只显示基于user1\u id的帖子 问题是,这些值是作为字符串返回的,而我在POST中使用的第二个数组只读取第一个数组


我运行一个查询,返回一个用户ID(用户ID 1)列表,登录用户(用户ID 2)在数组中跟随该列表。然后,我通过foreach循环运行该数组,以获取作为用户ID的用户列表,并将其放置在一个新数组中。返回的user1_id作为字符串进行回显。我现在想在另一个数组中使用返回的user1\u id,该数组只显示基于user1\u id的帖子


如何使用第二个数组“author\uu in'=>array()中的第一个数组的结果?我是否需要将字符串转换为整数,还是有更好的方法

// The database query that returns the array
    $currentloggedinuser = get_current_user_id();
    $followers_query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_id1 FROM wp_followers WHERE user_id2 = '$currentloggedinuser' ") ?>

// the returned array from the query through foreach placed in another array
    $following_id = array();
    foreach ($followers_query as $follower) {
    $following_id[] = $follower->user_id1;
    $following_ids = implode(", ",$following_id);

// the resulting number values returned as a string
<?php echo $following_ids;  ?>

    $args = array(
        'author__in'=> array($following_ids), // user1_ids I'd like to include from the array above
        'post_type' => 'post'



'author\uu in'=>$following\u id
  $currentloggedinuser = get_current_user_id();

  // Get an array containing only the user_id1 values.

  // It's a good habit to use the prepare method of $wpdb 
  // for security and ease of reading the code

  // Also, you should use $wpdb->prefix instead of using the 'wp_' for the table name
  // that prefix can be changed and your code would break.

  $followers = $wpdb->get_col(
      "SELECT user_id1 FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followers WHERE user_id2 = %d",

  sort($followers); // or you can just apply sorting in the query above

  // Directly echo the imploded array. 
  // No need to store it in a variable to do so unless you want to use it somewhere else
  echo implode(', ', $followers);

  $args = array(
    'author__in'=> $followers, //use the array we got from the query
    'post_type' => 'post'