Arrays 第一列中的单元格数组,文本文件中其他列中的矩阵。怎样

Arrays 第一列中的单元格数组,文本文件中其他列中的矩阵。怎样,arrays,matlab,file,text,matrix,Arrays,Matlab,File,Text,Matrix,有了这些,我就有了相关的数据: A = {'Subject 1'; 'Subject 2'; 'Subject 3'; 'Subject 4'; 'Subject 5'} 我想以这种格式将数据输出到.txt文件中: ID = [1,2,3,4,5] Score = [65, 90, 42, 53, 13] 我知道我需要先转换数据谢谢你rayryeng Screen Name ID Score Subject 1 1 65 Subj


A = {'Subject 1'; 'Subject 2'; 'Subject 3'; 'Subject 4'; 'Subject 5'}

ID = [1,2,3,4,5]

Score = [65, 90, 42, 53, 13]

Screen Name       ID       Score
Subject 1          1          65
Subject 2          2          90
Subject 3          3          42
Subject 4          4          53
Subject 5          5          13

谢谢Robert p:它不再崩溃,但是它不会输入第二行fprintf的数据。第一行fprintf很好,但是



fileID = fopen('user_Database.txt', 'w');
fprintf(fileID,'%8s %16s %24s\n', 'Screen Name', 'ID', 'Score');
fprintf(fileID,'%8s %16.2f %24.2f\n', A{:}, ID, Score);

%// Inputs (slightly modified from original ones to show spacings are taken care of)
A = {'Subject 1'; 'Subject 2'; 'Subject 3'; 'Subject 4'; 'Subject 5'}
ID = [101,2,3,201,8]
Score = [165, 2090, 42, 53, 13]

%// Create cell array versions of ID and Score to account for proper
%// spacings between the prints of ID and Score
Score_cell = cellstr(num2str(Score.')); %//'
ID_cell = cellstr(num2str(ID.')); %//'

output_file = 'results.txt'; %//'# Edit if needed to be saved to a different path
fid = fopen(output_file, 'w+'); %// open file for writing

fprintf(fid, 'Screen Name\t  ID\tScore\n'); %// write the header line
for ii=1:numel(A)
    fprintf(fid, '%s\t %s\t %s\n',A{ii}, ID_cell{ii},Score_cell{ii}); %// write data
fclose(fid); %// close file as writing is done

%// Inputs (slightly modified from original ones to show spacings are taken care of)
A = {'Subject 1'; 'Subject 2'; 'Subject 3'; 'Subject 4'; 'Subject 5'}
ID = [101,2,3,201,8]
Score = [165, 2090, 42, 53, 13]

%// Create cell array versions of ID and Score to account for proper
%// spacings between the prints of ID and Score
Score_cell = cellstr(num2str(Score.')); %//'
ID_cell = cellstr(num2str(ID.')); %//'

output_file = 'results.txt'; %//'# Edit if needed to be saved to a different path
fid = fopen(output_file, 'w+'); %// open file for writing

fprintf(fid, 'Screen Name\t  ID\tScore\n'); %// write the header line
for ii=1:numel(A)
    fprintf(fid, '%s\t %s\t %s\n',A{ii}, ID_cell{ii},Score_cell{ii}); %// write data
fclose(fid); %// close file as writing is done
>> type results.txt

Screen Name   ID    Score
Subject 1    101      165
Subject 2      2     2090
Subject 3      3       42
Subject 4    201       53
Subject 5      8       13