Asp classic 如何从搜索表单中添加总计

Asp classic 如何从搜索表单中添加总计,asp-classic,Asp Classic,我喜欢根据一些字段进行查询以生成报告:日期范围、部门、具有日期范围的学生。我有表格要查 但是,我需要从报告中计算这些字段的总数。 例如:如果我搜索学生,搜索结果为: 系日期范围学生费用 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012 StuA$100 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012存根$50 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012 StuC$50 如何在线自动计算总成本($200)? 谢谢 这是我的密码: <% Path = Request.Serve


但是,我需要从报告中计算这些字段的总数。 例如:如果我搜索学生,搜索结果为:

系日期范围学生费用 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012 StuA$100 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012存根$50 DeptA 1/1/2012-12/31/2012 StuC$50

如何在线自动计算总成本($200)? 谢谢



Path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
While (Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Len(Path) <> 0)
iLen = Len(Path) - 1
Path = Left(Path, iLen)

Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strCon
SelectStmt = "Select * From view_costs Where "
WhereClause = ""
WhereBetweenClause = "BETWEEN"
If Request("qryDepartment") <> "All Departments" Then
qryDepartment = replace(request("qryDepartment"),"'","''")
WhereClause = WhereClause & "Department = '" & qryDepartment & "' AND "
End If
If Request("qryStudents") <> "All Students" Then
WhereClause = WhereClause & "Name = '" & Request("qryStudents") & "' AND "
End If

sStartDate = Request("StartDate")
sEndDate = Request("EndDate")
If IsDate(sStartDate) And IsDate(sEndDate) Then
WhereClause = WhereClause & "(StartDate >= '" & sStartDate & "' AND EndDate <= '" & sEndDate & "') "
End If

Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strCon
pstart = trim(request.form("pstart"))
pfinish = trim(request.form("pfinish"))
Set getDepartment = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
getDepartment.Open "Select Department from view_costs order by Department;",adoCon
Set getname = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
getname.Open "Select Name from view_costs order by Name;",adoCon

<title>The Resport</title>

<table width="770" align="center">
<td colspan="4" class="n"><span id="h3">Search Menu</span></td>
<form method=Department action="Search.asp" name="Search">

<% if not getDepartment.eof then %>
<select name="qryDepartment" size="1" title="Select a Department Name" style="width:200;background-color=#F5D0A9;">
<option selected>All Departments</option>
<% do until getDepartment.eof %>
<option><%= getDepartment("Department") %></option>
<% getDepartment.MoveNext
loop %>
<% end if %>
<% if not getname.eof then %>
<select name="qryStudents" size="1" title="Select a Student Name" style="width:200;background-color=#F5D0A9;">
<option selected>All Students</option>
<% do until getname.eof %>
<option><%= getname("Name") %></option>
<% getname.MoveNext
loop %>
<% end if %>


<td><span id="b">&nbsp;Start:</span> <input name="StartDate" type="text" size="15" maxlength="12" value="<%=sStartDate%>">

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="displayDatePicker('StartDate', this);"><img src="calendar.gif" alt="calendar"></a></td>

<td><span id="b">&nbsp; End:</span> &nbsp;<input name="EndDate" type="text" size="15" maxlength="12" value="<%=sEndDate%>">

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="displayDatePicker('EndDate', this);"><img src="calendar.gif" alt="calendar"></a></td>


<tr class="search-bg">

<td colspan="6">

<input type="button" name="Submit" value="Search" onClick="if (isDate()) document.Search.submit();">


<% If oRs.RecordCount = 0 Then %>


<% Else %>

<table width="960" align="center">

<form method="Department">

<tr bgcolor="#FE9A2E" height="25">

<td class="a">&nbsp;Department Name</td>

<td class="a">&nbsp;Student</td>

<td class="a">&nbsp;Start</td>

<td class="a">&nbsp;End</td>

<td class="a">&nbsp;Cost</td>





<td><%=FormatDateTime(Month(oRs("StartDate")) & "/" & Day(oRs("StartDate")) & "/" & Year(oRs("StartDate")))%>&nbsp;</td>

<td><%=FormatDateTime(Month(oRs("EndDate")) & "/" & Day(oRs("EndDate")) & "/" & Year(oRs("EndDate")))%>&nbsp;</td>

<td <%=sRowStyle%>>$<%=oRs("Cost")%>&nbsp;</td>


<% oRs.MoveNext %>

<% WEND %>





<% oRs.close

set oRs = nothing

set adoCon = nothing



部门名称 学生 开始 终点 成本 $

或者可以使用SQLs SUM()函数查询这些值