Autohotkey 自动热键-在文件dosen';文件结束后不停止,发送不发送变量

Autohotkey 自动热键-在文件dosen';文件结束后不停止,发送不发送变量,autohotkey,Autohotkey,这是我的第一个AHK程序,我对语言一点也不熟悉。不过我对C#很熟悉。我有一个程序,它在一个文件中循环,并用管道(|)符号分割用户名和密码。现在,当我运行程序时,它不会在文件结束后停止循环 此外,我尝试使用StrSplit函数访问由管道符号分隔的用户名和密码。到目前为止,当我运行该程序时,用户名只是偶尔在浏览器中正确输入。未在浏览器中输入密码。我很确定我使用的是鼠标右键坐标 提前谢谢你的帮助 #SingleInstance, Force SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ;




#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; if an absolute path isn't specified

;; GUI input
; ---------------------------------------
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y20 gStart, Start the tool
Gui, Show, w300 h300, Steam Tool    

; Labels
; -----------------------
; --------------------------------

Loop, read, accounts.txt    ; the file name must be separated by a comma
    ; MsgBox %A_LoopReadLine%
    loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, 
        IfWinNotExist, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
            Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\Multiloginapp\multiloginapp.exe
            WinWait, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
            Sleep, 20000
        IfWinNotActive, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15, ,WinActivate, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
        WinWaitActive, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
        Click 724, 260
        sleep, 1500
        WinWait, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
        WinActivate, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
        WinWaitActive, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
        Click 408, 55
        Sleep 5000
        Send, ^a
        Send, {Backspace}
        SendInput,    ; SendInput is faster in sending text
        Send, {enter}
        Sleep, 5000
        ; Use:
        ; SendInput, %A_LoopField%
        ; if you want to send the current substring (field) from the line
        s:=StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, "|")
        Click, 149, 355
        urnme := s[0]
        Send, %usrnme%
        Click, 172 455
        pwd := s[1]
        Send, %pwd% 
        Click, 87 507


#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; if an absolute path isn't specified

;; GUI input
; ---------------------------------------
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y20 gStart, Start the tool
Gui, Show, w300 h300, Steam Tool    

; Labels
; -----------------------
; --------------------------------

IfWinNotExist, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
     Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\Multiloginapp\multiloginapp.exe
     WinWait, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
     Sleep, 20000
IfWinNotActive, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15, ,WinActivate, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
WinWaitActive, Multiloginapp - 01.3.15
Click 724, 260
sleep, 1500
WinWait, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
WinActivate, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
WinWaitActive, Multiloginapp - Mozilla Firefox
Click 408, 55
Sleep 5000
Send, ^a
Send, {Backspace}
SendInput,    ; SendInput is faster in sending text
Sleep, 300
Send, {enter}
Sleep, 5000

; If the title of the window changes after this, you should use:
; WinWait, new title
; WinActivate, new title
; WinWaitActive, new title

Click, 149, 355

; ... continue using one of the next options    
; ...



FileReadLine, OutputVar, accounts.txt, 1 ; If username|password (without spaces) is the first line in this file
usrnme := StrSplit(OutputVar,"|").1
pwd := StrSplit(OutputVar,"|").2
SendInput, %usrnme%
Sleep, 300
Click, 172, 455 ; or Send, {Tab} if it activates the password field
Sleep, 300
SendInput, %pwd%
Sleep, 300
Click, 87, 507 ; or Send, {enter} if it activates the log-in field

FileReadLine, OutputVar, accounts.txt, 1 ; If username|password (without spaces) is the first line in this file
usrnme := StrSplit(OutputVar,"|").1
pwd := StrSplit(OutputVar,"|").2
SendInput, %usrnme%
Sleep, 300
Click, 172, 455 ; or Send, {Tab} if it activates the password field
Sleep, 300
SendInput, %pwd%
Sleep, 300
Click, 87, 507 ; or Send, {enter} if it activates the log-in field