Azure Service Bus MessageLockLostException无意中出错

Azure Service Bus MessageLockLostException无意中出错,azure,exception,azureservicebus,Azure,Exception,Azureservicebus,MessageLockLostException无原因发生。我们将锁定时间设置为1分钟,并在处理20秒后间歇性抛出此异常。这是没有理由的。我们注意到它通常发生在一分钟的末尾或开头。我的意思是: ->消息在8:30:42到达服务总线主题 ->函数在8:30:42开始处理时拾取消息 ->该进程的响应时间为19.4秒 ->记住我的锁是1分钟 我的函数处理是做什么的 -> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds late







-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
嗯……可能是因为函数在一分钟内仍在处理,或者是因为8:31:59发生了变化。。8:32:00 .. 8:32:01??? 跟我来这里








-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown








-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown








-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown








-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown








-> at 8:30:44 I made a call out to serivceX (http) (2 seconds later)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 8:31:02 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 8:30:55 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 1.4 seconds
-> at 8:30:58 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 10:43:02 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 341 milliseconds
-> at 10:43:21 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:24:35 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 444 milliseconds
-> at 2:24:54 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 2:30:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 468 milliseconds
-> at 2:31:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown
-> at 11:52:56 I made a call out to serivceX (http)
-> this responded in 509 milliseconds
-> at 11:53:15 the MessageLockLostException is being thrown



