Batch file 如何从文本文件中读取一行,将其拆分为两行,然后将这两行输出到另一个文本文件?

Batch file 如何从文本文件中读取一行,将其拆分为两行,然后将这两行输出到另一个文本文件?,batch-file,cmd,batch-processing,Batch File,Cmd,Batch Processing,我想要一个批处理代码,它可以执行以下操作: 将文本文件的所有内容加载到变量中。内容只有一行 然后把那条线分成两部分 将这两部分作为新行放入另一个文本文件中 假设我的内容是: Bill Gates was born in 1955. <--When was Bill Gates born?--> 句子的句法: xx yy <--xxy yyz --> 请注意,句子可以改变。我只是举了个例子。句子必须分成两部分,第一部分在之前这是一个简单的方法: @echo off ty


  • 将文本文件的所有内容加载到变量中。内容只有一行

  • 然后把那条线分成两部分

  • 将这两部分作为新行放入另一个文本文件中

  • 假设我的内容是:

    Bill Gates was born in 1955. <--When was Bill Gates born?-->

    xx yy <--xxy yyz -->


    @echo off
    type "file.txt" | repl "(.*)(<.*)" "$1\r\n$2" x >"newfile.txt"
    键入“file.txt”| repl”(.*)(对于答案来说太容易了:

    set /p line=<in.txt
    for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=<" %%i in ("%line%") do (
      echo %%i>out.txt
      echo ^<%%j>>out.txt
    set/p line=out.txt

    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        rem read the first line of input file
        < file.txt set /p "line1="
        rem extract the second line of output file
        set "line2=%line1:*<--=<--%"
        rem extract the first line of output file
        set "line=%line2%"
        set "line1=%line1:~0,-1%"
        set "line=%line:~0,-1%"
        if defined line goto loop
        rem generate output file
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        (   echo !line1!
            echo !line2!
        ) > result.txt
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
    set /p line=<in.txt
    for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=<" %%i in ("%line%") do (
      echo %%i>out.txt
      echo ^<%%j>>out.txt
    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        rem read the first line of input file
        < file.txt set /p "line1="
        rem extract the second line of output file
        set "line2=%line1:*<--=<--%"
        rem extract the first line of output file
        set "line=%line2%"
        set "line1=%line1:~0,-1%"
        set "line=%line:~0,-1%"
        if defined line goto loop
        rem generate output file
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        (   echo !line1!
            echo !line2!
        ) > result.txt
    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        rem read the first line of input file
        < file.txt set /p "line="
        rem extract and output the lines
        for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=|" %%a in ("%line:<--=|<--%") do (
            echo %%a
            echo %%b
        ) > result.txt
    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        rem prepare the sample file to be readed
        >file.txt echo Bill Gates was born in 1955. ^<--When was Bill Gates born?--^>
        rem read the first line of input file
        < file.txt set /p "line="
        rem extract and output the lines
        for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=|" %%a in ("%line:<--=|<--%") do (
            echo %%a
            echo %%b
        ) > result.txt
        rem show the result
        type result.txt