



 * This source file contains functions for using the UARTs. 
 * @todo Write uart_monitor() or ISR to check for UART parity, framing error and DMA collisions
 * @ingroup CSuart 
 * @defgroup CSuart UART
 * @{
 * High level functions for UART with DMA. Function names
 * beginning  with uart_comm... are for communicating with the transceiver. The
 * UART peripheral used for the transceiver can be changed by editing the macros
 * in CSuart.h.

/* System & Local Includes */
#include <p33Fxxxx.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CSdefine.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "CSuart.h"

/* Type and Constant Definitions*/
// Handshake control signals for Devboard USB
#define HS0         BIT4      // RC4
#define HS1         BIT3      // RC3
#define HS2         BIT2      // RC2
#define HS3         BIT5      // RD5
#define HS4         BIT2      // RD2
#define HS5         BIT1      // RD1

// Motherboard control signals
#define CS_SD_BAR   BIT5      // RE5
#define OE_USB_BAR  BIT1      // RC1
#define OE_MHX_BAR  BIT2      // RE2
#define ON_SD_BAR   BIT4      // RE4
#define ON_MHX_BAR  BIT3      // RE3

/* Global & Local Variables */
// DMA TX and RX buffers for comm UART
static uint16 txBuff[RADIO_TX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma)));
static uint16 rxBuff[RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma)));

static uint16 tx0Buff[BEACON_TX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma)));
static uint16 rx0Buff[BEACON_TX_BUFFER_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma)));

static uint16 *lastRead = (uint16 *) &rxBuff; // Points to next transfer to be read from DMA rxBuff
static uint16 *lastRead0 = (uint16 *) &rx0Buff; // Points to next transfer to be read from DMA rxBuff

/* Functions */

 ****                                                                       ****
 **                                                                           **
 csk_usb_open()  Enable USB on the Dev/Flight hardware

 **                                                                           **
 ****                                                                       ****
void csk_usb_open(void) {

    // Disable all control signals to avoid spurious
    //  writes when -OE_USB goes active (LOW).
    PORTD |=  (HS5+HS4+HS3            );
    TRISD &= ~(HS5+HS4+HS3            );
//   // Configure -OE_USB as an output, and make
//    //  it active (i.e., LOW)

} /* csk_usb_open() */

 ****                                                                       ****
 **                                                                           **
 csk_usb_close()  // Disable USB on the Dev/flight hardware

 **                                                                           **
 ****                                                                       ****
void csk_usb_close(void) {

    // Restore -OE_USB to an input.

} /* csk_usb_close() */

 * Initializes the UART port with DMA for use for satellite comm (ie. the transceiver). 
 * This should be called sometime during startup.
void uart_commInit(){

// Configure UART for 9600 8N1 with interrupts to the DMA module
    RADIO_UMODEbits.UEN = 0b10;      //UxTX, UxRX, UxCTS and UxRTS pins are enabled and used
    RADIO_UMODEbits.PDSEL = 0b00;    //8-bit data, no parity
    RADIO_UBRG = ((Fcyc/38400)/16)-1; //9600 baud //38400 //((Fcyc/38400)/16)-1
    //COMM_UBRG = 259;          // 9600 baud @ 80MHz
    RADIO_USTAbits.UTXISEL0 = 0;        // Interrupt when there is room in TX FIFO
    RADIO_USTAbits.URXISEL = 0;     // Interrupt when a character is received

    // Configure DMA channel 1 as Comm Uart transmit
    DMA1CONbits.DIR = 1;    // DMA reads from SRAM, writes to peripheral
    DMA1CONbits.AMODE = 00; // Addr. mode is register indirect w/ post increment
    DMA1CONbits.MODE = 0b01;// One-shot, no ping-pong mode.
    DMA1CONbits.SIZE = 1;   // Transfer 1 byte at a time
    DMA1REQbits.IRQSEL = 0b0001100;     // DMA1 writes to UART1 TX (the Comm uart port.)
    DMA1PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &RADIO_UTXREG; //Tell DMA module address of COMM TX register
    DMA1STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(txBuff);  // Tell DMA module start address of our dma tx buffer
    IFS0bits.DMA1IF = 0;    // Clear DMA interrupt flag
    //IEC0bits.DMA1IE = 1;    // Enable DMA interrupt

    //Configure DMA channel 0 as Comm Uart receive
    DMA0CONbits.MODE = 0b00; // Continuous no Ping-Pong mode
    DMA0REQbits.IRQSEL = 0b0001011;     // DMA0 reads from UART1 RX (the Comm uart port.)
    DMA0PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &RADIO_URXREG;
    DMA0STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(rxBuff); // Tell DMA start addr. of buffer A
    //DMA0STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(rxBuffB); // Tell DMA start addr. of buffer B
    IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0;    // Clear DMA interrupt flag
    //IEC0bits.DMA0IE = 1;    // Enable DMA interrupt

    DMA0CONbits.CHEN = 1;   // Enable RX DMA channel only. TX channel is one-shot mode.

    // UART config for CLI
    BEACON_UMODEbits.STSEL = 0; //1-stop bit
    BEACON_UMODEbits.PDSEL = 0; //No Parity, 8-data bits
    BEACON_UMODEbits.ABAUD = 0; // Autobaud Disabled
    BEACON_UBRG = ((Fcyc/9600)/16)-1; // 9600 baud @ 80Mhz
    BEACON_USTAbits.UTXISEL0 = 0; // interrupt after 1 Tx char is transmited
    //BEACON_USTAbits.UTXISEL1 = 0;
    BEACON_USTAbits.URXISEL = 0; // interrrupt after 1 Rx char is received
    BEACON_UMODEbits.UARTEN = 1; // Enable UART
    BEACON_USTAbits.UTXEN = 1; // Enable Uart Tx
    IEC4bits.U2EIE = 0; // Enable error interrupt

    //Tx config for CLI
    DMA4REQ = 0x001F; // Uart2 transmiter
    DMA4PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &BEACON_UTXREG;// Tell DMA module address of COMM TX register
    DMA4CONbits.AMODE = 0; // Addr. mode is register indirect x/ post increment
    DMA4CONbits.MODE = 1; // One-Shot
    DMA4CONbits.DIR = 1; // reads from RAM writes to peripheral
    DMA4CONbits.SIZE = 1;// Transfers 1 byte at a time
    // count needs to be pushed into interrupt and counted there, will avoid weird shit
    DMA4CNT = 7; // 11 DMA requests
    DMA4STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(tx0Buff); // Tell DMA module start address of our dma tx buffer
    IFS2bits.DMA4IF = 0; // Clear DMA interrupt flag
    IEC2bits.DMA4IE = 1; // Enable DMA interrupt

    // Rx config for CLI
    DMA3REQ = 0x001E; // Uart2 Receive
    DMA3PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &BEACON_URXREG; // Tell DMA module address of COMM RX register
    DMA3CONbits.AMODE = 0; // Addr. mode is register indirect x/ post increment
    DMA3CONbits.MODE = 2; // Ping-Pong
    DMA3CONbits.DIR = 0; // reads from peripheral writes to RAM
    DMA3CONbits.SIZE = 0; // Transfers 1 word at a time
    DMA3CNT = 7; // 11 DMA requests
    DMA3STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(tx0Buff); // Tell DMA start addr. of receive buffer
    DMA3STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(rx0Buff); // Tell DMA start addr. of receive buffer
    DMA3CONbits.CHEN = 1; // Enable RX DMA channel only. TX channel is one-shot mode.
    IFS2bits.DMA3IF = 0; // Clear DMA interrupt
    IEC2bits.DMA3IE = 1; // Enable DMA interrupt
    // END of added code

    // these bits must be at end of file
    RADIO_UMODEbits.UARTEN = 1;     //enable uart
    RADIO_USTAbits.UTXEN = 1;       //transmit enabled


 * Writes a string to the comm Port. The length must be less than COMM_TX_BUFFER_SIZE
 * or this function will have no effect.
 * @param str The string to write.
 * @param len The number of bytes to write
 * @pre uart_commInit() must be called before calling this function.
 * @note This function call is blocking. It waits until the last transfer is
 * finished to begin current transmission. Once current transmission has been
 * started then it will return because the DMA module handles transmission of data.

void BEACON_uart_commPuts(char *str, uint16 len){
    uint16 *targetAddr;
    if(len == 0 || len > BEACON_TX_BUFFER_SIZE)
    return;     //TODO Handle error
    while(!BEACON_commIsTXReady());   // Blocking!
    targetAddr = (uint16 *) (DMA4STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));    // Address of DMA buffer
    memcpy((void *) targetAddr, (const void *) str, len);   // Copy data into DMA buffer
    DMA4CNT = len-1;        // Send len # of characters
    DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;   // Turn on the DMA channel
    DMA4REQbits.FORCE = 1;  // Start DMA transfer to comm UART


 * Retrieves a string from the Comm. Port. The caller must ensure that the 'str'
 * parameter can handle the number of bytes being requested in parameter 'len'.
 * @param str The string to store the received characters in.
 * @param len The maximum number of characters to return. The number of chars
 *      copied to str will be less than or equal to len.
 * @return int16 The number of bytes copied to str if non-negative or an error
 *      code if negative.
 * @pre uart_commInit() must be called before calling this function.
 * @todo Add overrun detection
 * @todo Implement error codes if necessary.
int16 RADIO_uart_commGets(char *str, uint16 len){
/* The DMA transfers 2 bytes of data into the DMA buffer for every byte it
 * receives from the UART (see dsPIC33 reference manual DMA chapter). The
 * lower byte is the data received by the UART and the upper byte has 2
 * status bits. There is one DMA receive buffer (no Ping-Pong mode) which the
 * DMA starts to fill 2 bytes at a time until the buffer is full then goes
 * back to the beginning and starts to put new characters in the beginning
 * of the buffer again. This code reads up to 'len' bytes (not transfers!) from the buffer
 * starting from the last location readmup to the last byte available in
 * the DMA buffer. If the DMA rolled over to the beginning since the last read,
 * this function reads until the end of the buffer, then from the beginning.
 * This should be called often enough to prevent overruns.
 * NOTE: For every 2 bytes this function reads from the DMA buffer it only
 * returns one because the upper byte of each transfer are status bits.
    uint16 numTransfers, i; // # of DMA transfers (not bytes!) to return to caller.
    uint16 *lastArrived = (uint16 *)(DMA0STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));  // Points after most recent transfer received in DMA buffer
    //static uint16 *lastRead = (uint16 *) &rxBuff; // Points to next transfer to be read
    if(lastArrived < lastRead){     // Rollover occured
        // (1) # of transfers till end of buffer.
        // (2) # of transfers in the beginning of buffer.
        numTransfers = (uint16) ((rxBuff + RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) - lastRead);
        numTransfers += (uint16) (lastArrived - rxBuff);
        numTransfers = (uint16) (lastArrived - lastRead);

    if(len < numTransfers)  // Don't give caller more bytes than they can handle
        numTransfers = len;

    for(i = 0; i < numTransfers; i++){  // Now copy chars into caller's buffer
        /*if(i == 0){
        if(lastRead >= rxBuff + RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover
            lastRead = rxBuff;     // Start reading from beginning now
        // Mask off status byte and only copy the lower char to callers buffer
        *str = (char) (*lastRead & 0xFF);
        str++;      // Increment index into caller's buffer
        lastRead++; // Increment read index
    return i;   // # of bytes returned in parameter 1.

int16 BEACON_uart_commGets(char *str, uint16 len){
    /* The DMA transfers 2 bytes of data into the DMA buffer for every byte it
     * receives from the UART (see dsPIC33 reference manual DMA chapter). The
     * lower byte is the data received by the UART and the upper byte has 2
     * status bits. There is one DMA receive buffer (no Ping-Pong mode) which the
     * DMA starts to fill 2 bytes at a time until the buffer is full then goes
     * back to the beginning and starts to put new characters in the beginning
     * of the buffer again. This code reads up to 'len' bytes (not transfers!) from the buffer
     * starting from the last location readmup to the last byte available in
     * the DMA buffer. If the DMA rolled over to the beginning since the last read,
     * this function reads until the end of the buffer, then from the beginning.
     * This should be called often enough to prevent overruns.
     * NOTE: For every 2 bytes this function reads from the DMA buffer it only
     * returns one because the upper byte of each transfer are status bits.
    uint16 numTransfers, i; // # of DMA transfers (not bytes!) to return to caller.
    uint16 *lastArrived = (uint16 *)(DMA3STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));  // Points after most recent transfer received in DMA buffer
    //static uint16 *lastRead = (uint16 *) &rxBuff; // Points to next transfer to be read
    if(lastArrived < lastRead){     // Rollover occured
        // (1) # of transfers till end of buffer.
        // (2) # of transfers in the beginning of buffer.
        numTransfers = (uint16) ((rx0Buff + BEACON_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) - lastRead);
        numTransfers += (uint16) (lastArrived - rx0Buff);
        numTransfers = (uint16) (lastArrived - lastRead);

    if(len < numTransfers)  // Don't give caller more bytes than they can handle
        numTransfers = len;

    for(i = 0; i < numTransfers; i++){  // Now copy chars into caller's buffer
        /*if(i == 0){
        if(lastRead >= rx0Buff + BEACON_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover
            lastRead = rx0Buff;     // Start reading from beginning now
        // Mask off status byte and only copy the lower char to callers buffer
        *str = (char) (*lastRead & 0xFF);
        str++;      // Increment index into caller's buffer
        lastRead++; // Increment read index
    return i;   // # of bytes returned in parameter 1.

 * Retrieves a single character from the comm receive buffer.
 * @return (int16) returns a signed integer. If the value is less than zero there
 * were no characters in the UART receive buffer to return. Otherwise, the return
 * value should be cast to a char and used accordingly.
 * @pre uart_commInit() must be called before calling this function.
int16 RADIO_uart_commGetc(){
    int16 retValue;
    if(RADIO_uart_commNumRXBytes() > 0){
        if(lastRead >= rxBuff + RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover
            lastRead = rxBuff;     // Start reading from beginning now
        retValue = (int16) *lastRead;
        return retValue;
    return -1;

 * Retrieves a single character from the comm receive buffer.
 * @return (int16) returns a signed integer. If the value is less than zero there
 * were no characters in the UART receive buffer to return. Otherwise, the return
 * value should be cast to a char and used accordingly.
 * @pre uart_commInit() must be called before calling this function.
int16 BEACON_uart_commGetc(){
    int16 retValue;
    if(BEACON_uart_commNumRXBytes() > 0){
        if(lastRead >= rx0Buff + BEACON_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover
            lastRead = rx0Buff;     // Start reading from beginning now
        retValue = (int16) *lastRead;
        return retValue;
    return -1;

 * Looks for and retrieves a string from the comm port up to and including the
 * specified terminating character. If the terminating character does not exist
 * in the uart buffer no characters are copied to str and -1 is returned.
 * @param str A buffer to stored the received data in
 * @param len Maximum number of characters to retrieve
 * @param terminator the terminating character
 * @return The number of characters copied to str, -1 if no terminator not found or buffer to small for command
int16 uart_commGetToChar(char *str, uint16 len, char terminator){
   BOOL foundChar = FALSE;
   int16 i, strLen = 0;       // strLen is the value we will return
   uint16 *tempPtr = lastRead;  // Points after the last read DMA transfer (transfer = 2 bytes)
   uint16 *lastArrived = (uint16 *)(DMA0STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));  // Points after most recent transfer received in DMA buffer
   len = (len < (i = RADIO_uart_commNumRXBytes())) ? len : i;    // If numCharsReceived > len then len = numCharsReceived

   // Look for null terminating character
   while(!foundChar){   // Loop until char is found or 'till end of received chars
      if(strLen >= len){
     return -1;  // Provided buffer not long enough or terminating char not found.

      if((char) (*tempPtr & 0xFF) == terminator){  // Found terminating char?
     foundChar = TRUE;
     strLen++;   // To count terminating character
     strLen++;   // Increment # of transfers we're planning to copy to user's buffer
     tempPtr++;  // Increment pointer to the receive buffer
     if(tempPtr >= rxBuff + RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover in rxBuff
           tempPtr = rxBuff;                // Start reading from beginning now

   for(i = 0; i < strLen; i++){  // Now copy chars into caller's buffer
     if(lastRead >= rxBuff + RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE){  // Handle rollover in rxBuff
     lastRead = rxBuff;     // Start reading from beginning now
     // Mask off status byte and only copy the lower char to caller's buffer
     *str = (char) (*lastRead & 0xFF);
     str++;     // Increment index into caller's buffer
     lastRead++;    // Increment read index
   return strLen;   // # of bytes INCLUDING terminating character

 * Returns the number of unread characters in the comm UART buffer.
 * @return (int16) number of unread chars in comm UART buffer
 * @pre uart_commInit() must be called before calling this function.
int16 RADIO_uart_commNumRXBytes(){
    int16 retValue;
    uint16 *lastReceivedChar = (uint16 *)(DMA0STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));
    if(lastReceivedChar >= lastRead){
        return (int16) (lastReceivedChar - lastRead);
        retValue = (int16) ((uint16 *)(&rxBuff + RADIO_TX_BUFFER_SIZE) - lastRead);
        retValue += (uint16) (lastReceivedChar - (uint16 *)&rxBuff);
        return retValue;

int16 BEACON_uart_commNumRXBytes(){
    int16 retValue;
    uint16 *lastReceivedChar = (uint16 *)(DMA2STA + ((unsigned int) &_DMA_BASE));
    if(lastReceivedChar >= lastRead){
        return (int16) (lastReceivedChar - lastRead);
        retValue = (int16) ((uint16 *)(&rx0Buff + BEACON_TX_BUFFER_SIZE) - lastRead);
        retValue += (uint16) (lastReceivedChar - (uint16 *)&rx0Buff);
        return retValue;

/* Interrupt Handlers */

//void __attribute__((__interrupt__,no_auto_psv)) _U2EInterrupt(void){
//    TODO Handle Uart Error

 * Comm receive DMA interrupt service routine. Currently not used.
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,no_auto_psv)) _DMA0Interrupt(void){
    IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0;    // Clear DMA interrupt flag

 * Comm transmit DMA interrupt service routine. Currently not used.
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,no_auto_psv)) _DMA1Interrupt(void){
    IFS0bits.DMA1IF = 0;    // Clear DMA interrupt flag

 * Comm receive DMA interrupt service routine. 
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,no_auto_psv)) _DMA3Interrupt(void){

    static unsigned int BufferCount = 0;

    if(BufferCount == 0){
        DMA4STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(tx0Buff);
        DMA4STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(rx0Buff);

    DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1; // Re-enable DMA3 channel
    DMA4REQbits.FORCE = 1; // manual start the transfers, if we doing predetermined transfer size

    BufferCount ^= 1;

    IFS2bits.DMA3IF = 0; // Clear DMA3 Interrupt flag

 * Comm transmit DMA interrupt service routine. Currently not used.
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,no_auto_psv)) _DMA4Interrupt(void){
    IFS2bits.DMA4IF = 0;    // Clear DMA interrupt flag

 * @}

 * This header file provides function prototypes and macros for UART ports.
 * @ingroup CSuart

 * @ingroup CSuart
 * @{ 
#ifndef CSUART_H
#define CSUART_H

/* Include Files */
#include <p33Fxxxx.h>

 * Register definitions for Comm port uart
 * Change these values to use the other uart port.
 * WARNING: Must also change values in uart_commInit(). (DMA1REQbits.IRQSEL)
 * @cond
/*NOTE:(8/20/14, 3:53pm) these macros have been changed, U2 -> U1 */
#define RADIO_UMODEbits U1MODEbits
#define RADIO_USTAbits  U1STAbits
#define RADIO_URXIF      IFS0bits.U1RXIF     // Comm uart receive interrupt flag
#define RADIO_UTXIF      IFS0bits.U1TXIF     // Comm uart transmite interrupt flag
#define RADIO_RXIntEnable()    {IEC0bits.U1RXIE = 1;}
#define RADIO_TXIntEnable()    {IEC0bits.U1TXIE = 1;}
#define RADIO_ErrorIntEnable() {IEC4bits.U1EIE = 1;}
#define RADIO_RXIntDisable()    {IEC0bits.U1RXIE = 0;}
#define RADIO_TXIntDisable()    {IEC0bits.U1TXIE = 0;}
#define RADIO_ErrorIntDisable() {IEC4bits.U1EIE = 0;}

#define BEACON_UMODEbits    U2MODEbits
#define BEACON_USTAbits         U2STAbits
#define BEACON_URXREG           U2RXREG
#define BEACON_UBRG         U2BRG
#define BEACON_IFSbits          IFS2bits

#define RADIO_TX_BUFFER_SIZE        283  /// Size of comm port's DMA transmit buffer in bytes
#define RADIO_RX_BUFFER_SIZE        128  /// Size of comm port's DMA receive buffer in bytes

#define BEACON_TX_BUFFER_SIZE       128  /// Size of comm port's DMA transmit buffer in bytes
#define BEACON_RX_BUFFER_SIZE       128  /// Size of comm port's DMA receive buffer in bytes

 * Returns 1 when the comm port UART is ready to transmit, and 0 otherwise.
#define RADIO_commIsTXReady()     (RADIO_USTAbits.TRMT)

#define BEACON_commIsTXReady()     (BEACON_USTAbits.TRMT)

/* Function Prototypes */
void uart_commInit();
void BEACON_uart_commPuts(char *str, uint16 len);
void uart0_commPuts(char *str, uint16 len);
int16 RADIO_uart_commGets(char *str, uint16 len);
//int16 uart0_commGets(char *str, uint16 len);
int16 RADIO_uart_commGetc();
//int16 uart0_commGetc();
int16 uart_commGetToChar(char *str, uint16 len, char terminator);
//int16 uart0_commGetToChar(char *str, uint16 len, char terminator);
int16 RADIO_uart_commNumRXBytes();
//int16 uart0_commNumRXBytes();

 * @}

#endif  /* CSUART_H */
