
用C调试Web服务器,c,debugging,pointers,server,cs50,C,Debugging,Pointers,Server,Cs50,我在课程中PSET6的server.c文件中有一个错误,但不知道如何找到它。我正在尝试使用GDB,但它似乎不是很有用 我希望能得到一些帮助,学习如何更好地调试这种程序,如果你能看看我的代码,看看你是否能从一开始就发现任何问题 我的github是: 我关注的职能是: /** * Loads a file into memory dynamically allocated on heap. * Stores address thereof in *content and length ther





 * Loads a file into memory dynamically allocated on heap.
 * Stores address thereof in *content and length thereof in *length.
bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length)
    //get the actual length of the file by finding pointer at the end of file and have it reruend via ftell()
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
    *length = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

    //initialize memory and all for storing the file chars, use calloc to be able to diff. garbage
    char* get_chars = calloc(sizeof(char) * (*length), sizeof(char));
    if (get_chars == NULL)
        return false;

    //read in chars if interpreter file to new variable get_chars
    fread(get_chars, *length, sizeof(BYTE), file);

    //save the chars address into the pointer we want for content
    *content = get_chars;


    if (*content != NULL)
        return true;
        return false;

及 /** *返回受支持扩展的MIME类型,否则为NULL。 */


 * Parses a request-line, storing its absolute-path at abs_path 
 * and its query string at query, both of which are assumed
 * to be at least of length LimitRequestLine + 1.

bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
    int length = strlen(line) + 1;

    //copy the line into new so we can use strsep and null over chars
    char* copyline = malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
    strncpy(copyline, line, length);

    //find token deliminated by space and repeat with NULL to use same string
    char* method = strtok(copyline, " ");
    char* request = strtok(NULL, " ");
    char* version = strtok(NULL, " ");

    //return error 405 if method is not GET, string compare method to find out
    if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0)
        return false;

    //return error 502 if request-target does not start with /
    if (*request != '/')
        return false;

    //if there is a " in the reuest, return an error 
    if (strchr("\"", *request) != NULL)
        return false;

    //HTTP version has to be 1.1
    if (strcmp(version, "HTTP/1.1\r\n") != 0)
        return false;

    //if there is no query, return nothing for query and copy the requst in absoulte path
    if (strchr(request, '?') == NULL)
        strcpy(query, "");
        strncpy(abs_path, request, strlen(request));

    //if there is a query
         //will store before ? as a token and after ? as the second token. see test.c
        strcpy(abs_path, strtok(request, "?"));
        strcpy(query, strtok(NULL, "?"));

    //add null-terminator to the end of paths 
    //abs_path[strlen(abs_path)] = '/0';
    //query[strlen(query)] = '/0';
    strcat(abs_path, "\0");
    strcat(query, "\0");


    return true;


const char* lookup(const char* path)
    //check if path is given
    if (path == NULL)
        return NULL;

    //returns pointer of last occurance of '.'
    char* extension = strrchr(path,'.');

    //compares the ext. to the actual ext. given and returns correct format
    if (strcasecmp("css", extension) == 0)
        return "text/css";

    else if (strcasecmp("html", extension) == 0)
        return "text/html";

    else if (strcasecmp("gif", extension) == 0)
          return "image/gif";

    else if (strcasecmp("ico", extension) == 0)
     return "image/x-icon";

    else if (strcasecmp("jpg", extension) == 0)
         return "image/jpeg";

    else if (strcasecmp("js", extension) == 0)
         return "text/javascript";

    else if (strcasecmp("png", extension) == 0)
         return "image/png";

        return NULL;  

 * Parses a request-line, storing its absolute-path at abs_path 
 * and its query string at query, both of which are assumed
 * to be at least of length LimitRequestLine + 1.

bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
    int length = strlen(line) + 1;

    //copy the line into new so we can use strsep and null over chars
    char* copyline = malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
    strncpy(copyline, line, length);

    //find token deliminated by space and repeat with NULL to use same string
    char* method = strtok(copyline, " ");
    char* request = strtok(NULL, " ");
    char* version = strtok(NULL, " ");

    //return error 405 if method is not GET, string compare method to find out
    if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0)
        return false;

    //return error 502 if request-target does not start with /
    if (*request != '/')
        return false;

    //if there is a " in the reuest, return an error 
    if (strchr("\"", *request) != NULL)
        return false;

    //HTTP version has to be 1.1
    if (strcmp(version, "HTTP/1.1\r\n") != 0)
        return false;

    //if there is no query, return nothing for query and copy the requst in absoulte path
    if (strchr(request, '?') == NULL)
        strcpy(query, "");
        strncpy(abs_path, request, strlen(request));

    //if there is a query
         //will store before ? as a token and after ? as the second token. see test.c
        strcpy(abs_path, strtok(request, "?"));
        strcpy(query, strtok(NULL, "?"));

    //add null-terminator to the end of paths 
    //abs_path[strlen(abs_path)] = '/0';
    //query[strlen(query)] = '/0';
    strcat(abs_path, "\0");
    strcat(query, "\0");


    return true;
