C 矩阵计算的性能测试

C 矩阵计算的性能测试,c,algorithm,performance,C,Algorithm,Performance,我试图计算所有在Z(N)中有一个逆的3x3矩阵,其中N是5和13。Basicle I计算矩阵模N的行列式,如果结果与N相对素数,则它有一个逆。我也需要对N等于26和256的对象执行此操作,但要找到它们需要很长时间 因此,当我发现生成n26的所有矩阵需要花费太多的时间时,我决定通过消除所有行列式为0的矩阵来减少测试矩阵的数量。所以我开始实现算法的剪枝部分。有趣的是,有了它,找到结果的时间更长了 为了找到性能下降的答案,我尝试了VisualStudioCPU评测和AMD UPRF,以找到热点区域。这

我试图计算所有在Z(N)中有一个逆的3x3矩阵,其中N是5和13。Basicle I计算矩阵模N的行列式,如果结果与N相对素数,则它有一个逆。我也需要对N等于26和256的对象执行此操作,但要找到它们需要很长时间


为了找到性能下降的答案,我尝试了VisualStudioCPU评测和AMD UPRF,以找到热点区域。这没有帮助


d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1832992
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10562854484
time: 83s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1865344
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10575805824
time: 81s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1865344
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10575805824
time: 81s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1893280
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10585310112
time: 80s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1907600
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10590078096
time: 80s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1922000
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10594847952
time: 78s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1937500
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10599672564
time: 78s

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1953125
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10604499373
time: 74s

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>

int gcd(int a, int b) {
    if (a % b == 0) {
        return b;
    } else {
        return gcd(b, a % b);

// second order determinant
/* maxtrix column based
    0 2
    1 3
int det2(int *mat) {
    return mat[0] * mat[3] - mat[1] * mat[2];

// third order determinant
/* maxtrix column based
    0 3 6
    1 4 7
    2 5 8
int det3(int* mat) {
    return (mat[0] * mat[4] * mat[8]
          + mat[1] * mat[5] * mat[6]
          + mat[2] * mat[3] * mat[7]
          - mat[6] * mat[4] * mat[2]
          - mat[7] * mat[5] * mat[0]
          - mat[8] * mat[3] * mat[1]);

#define PRINT3MAT(matrix) printf("\t%d %d %d\tautokey\n\t%d %d %d\n\t%d %d %d\n\n", matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6], \
                                                                                    matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7], \
                                                                                    matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8]);

#define PRINT2MAT(matrix) printf("\t%d %d\tautokey\n\t%d %d\n\n", matrix[0], matrix[2], \
                                                                  matrix[1], matrix[3]);

bool autokey2(int* matrix) {
    /* maxtrix column based
        0 2
        1 3
    bool result = true;

    do {
        if ((matrix[0] * matrix[0] + matrix[2] * matrix[1]) != 1) { // M(0,0)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[0] * matrix[2] + matrix[2] * matrix[3]) != 0) { // M(0,1)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[1] * matrix[0] + matrix[3] * matrix[1]) != 0) { // M(1,0)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[1] * matrix[2] + matrix[3] * matrix[3]) != 1) { // M(1,1)
            result = false;
    } while (false);

    return result;

bool autokey3(int* matrix) {
    /* maxtrix column based
        0 3 6
        1 4 7
        2 5 8
    bool result = true;

    do {
        if ((matrix[0] * matrix[0] + matrix[3] * matrix[1] + matrix[6] * matrix[2]) != 1) { // M(0,0)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[0] * matrix[3] + matrix[3] * matrix[4] + matrix[6] * matrix[5]) != 0) { // M(0,1)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[0] * matrix[6] + matrix[3] * matrix[7] + matrix[6] * matrix[8]) != 0) { // M(0,2)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[1] * matrix[0] + matrix[4] * matrix[1] + matrix[7] * matrix[2]) != 0) { // M(1,0)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[1] * matrix[3] + matrix[4] * matrix[4] + matrix[7] * matrix[5]) != 1) { // M(1,1)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[1] * matrix[6] + matrix[4] * matrix[7] + matrix[7] * matrix[8]) != 0) { // M(1,2)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[2] * matrix[0] + matrix[5] * matrix[1] + matrix[8] * matrix[2]) != 0) { // M(2,0)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[2] * matrix[3] + matrix[5] * matrix[4] + matrix[8] * matrix[5]) != 0) { // M(2,1)
            result = false;
        if ((matrix[2] * matrix[6] + matrix[5] * matrix[7] + matrix[8] * matrix[8]) != 1) { // M(2,2)
            result = false;
    } while (false);

    return result;

int main() 
    bool key_test[4][256];
    int N[] = { 5, 13, 26, 256 };
    long long int possible_keys = 0;
    long long int autokey = 0;
    int matrix[9];
    bool valid[9];
    int pos;
    int val;
    int cst;
    int max_pos, max_pn;
    time_t start_t, end_t;
    long long int nr_teste;

    // generate all inversable values
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N[i]; j++) {
            if (gcd(j, N[i]) == 1) {
                key_test[i][j] = true;
            } else {
                key_test[i][j] = false;

    start_t = time(NULL);
    for (int d = 3; d <= 3; d++) {
        max_pos = d * d - 1;

        if (d == 2) {
            max_pn = 4;
        } else {
            max_pn = 2;

        // check all the Z(n) rings
        for (int pn = 0; pn < max_pn; pn++) {
            //init matrix
            for (int i = 0; i < d*d; i++) {
                matrix[i] = 0;
                valid[i] = false;
            possible_keys = 0;
            autokey = 0;
            nr_teste = 0;

            // generate matrix
            pos = 0;
            while (pos >= 0) {

                if (valid[pos] == false) {
                    matrix[pos] = 0;
                    valid[pos] = true;
                } else {
                    if (matrix[pos] + 1 < N[pn]) {
                        matrix[pos] ++;
                    } else {
                        // No more values for this position
                        valid[pos] = false;
                        //matrix[pos] = 0;

                // For some reason if I add this, it will be slower
                if (d == 3) {
                    // pruning
                    switch (pos)
                    case 2: {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        if (matrix[2] == 0 && matrix[1] == 0 && matrix[0] == 0) {
                    case 5: {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        if (matrix[5] == 0 && matrix[4] == 0 && matrix[3] == 0) {
                        if (matrix[5] <= matrix[2] && matrix[5] != 0) {
                            cst = matrix[2] / matrix[5];
                            if ((matrix[2] % matrix[5] == 0) && (cst * matrix[4] == matrix[1]) && (cst * matrix[3] == matrix[0])) {
                        } else {
                            if (matrix[2] != 0) {
                                cst = matrix[5] / matrix[2];
                                if ((matrix[5] % matrix[2] == 0) && (cst * matrix[1] == matrix[4]) && (cst * matrix[0] == matrix[3])) {
                    case 6: {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        if (matrix[6] == 0 && matrix[3] == 0 && matrix[0] == 0) {
                    case 7: {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        if (matrix[7] == 0 && matrix[4] == 0 && matrix[1] == 0) {
                        if (matrix[7] <= matrix[6] && matrix[7] != 0) {
                            cst = matrix[6] / matrix[7];
                            if ((matrix[6] % matrix[7] == 0) && (cst * matrix[4] == matrix[3]) && (cst * matrix[1] == matrix[0])) {
                        } else {
                            if (matrix[6] != 0) {
                                cst = matrix[7] / matrix[6];
                                if ((matrix[7] % matrix[6] == 0) && (cst * matrix[3] == matrix[4]) && (cst * matrix[0] == matrix[1])) {
                    case 8: {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        if (matrix[8] == 0 && matrix[7] == 0 && matrix[6] == 0) {
                        if (matrix[8] == 0 && matrix[5] == 0 && matrix[2] == 0) {

                        // does not cat much and is rare
                //else {
                //  switch (pos)
                //  {
                //  case 1: {
                //      /* maxtrix column based
                //          0 2
                //          1 3
                //      */
                //      if (matrix[1] == 0 && matrix[0] == 0) {
                //          continue;
                //      }
                //      break;
                //  }
                //  case 2: {
                //      /* maxtrix column based
                //          0 2
                //          1 3
                //      */
                //      if (matrix[0] == 0 && matrix[2] == 0) {
                //          continue;
                //      }
                //      break;
                //  }
                //  case 3: {
                //      /* maxtrix column based
                //          0 2
                //          1 3
                //      */
                //      if (matrix[1] == 0 && matrix[3] == 0) {
                //          continue;
                //      }
                //      if (matrix[2] == 0 && matrix[3] == 0) {
                //          continue;
                //      }
                //      // does not cat much and is rare
                //      break;
                //  }
                //  }

                if (pos != max_pos) {
                    if (valid[pos] == true) {
                } else {
                    // we have a complete matrix

                    if (d == 3) {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 3 6
                            1 4 7
                            2 5 8
                        val = matrix[0] * matrix[4] * matrix[8]
                            + matrix[1] * matrix[5] * matrix[6]
                            + matrix[2] * matrix[3] * matrix[7]
                            - matrix[6] * matrix[4] * matrix[2]
                            - matrix[7] * matrix[5] * matrix[0]
                            - matrix[8] * matrix[3] * matrix[1];
                    } else {
                        /* maxtrix column based
                            0 2
                            1 3
                        val = matrix[0] * matrix[3] - matrix[1] * matrix[2];

                    val = val % N[pn];

                    if (val < 0) {
                        val += N[pn]; // make sure the result is positive

                    if (key_test[pn][val]) { // val == 0 will return false 
                        if (d == 3) {
                            if (autokey3(matrix)) {
                        } else {
                            if (autokey2(matrix)) {

            printf("d: %d    N: %3d    possible keys: %10lld    autokey: %lld    nr teste: %11lld\n", d, N[pn], possible_keys, autokey, nr_teste);


    end_t = time(NULL);
    printf("time: %llds\n", end_t - start_t);

    return 0;

d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1832992
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10562854484
time: 91s

 Performance counter stats for './hill_cipher':

         91.141,55 msec task-clock                #    0,999 CPUs utilized          
   368.707.285.660      cycles                    #    4,045 GHz                      (83,33%)
             3.535      context-switches          #    0,039 K/sec                  
                52      page-faults               #    0,001 K/sec                  
        29.044.482      cache-misses                                                  (83,33%)
   368.706.753.424      cycles                    #    4,045 GHz                      (66,66%)
   861.658.443.048      instructions              #    2,34  insn per cycle           (83,33%)
    94.135.383.666      branches                  # 1032,848 M/sec                    (83,33%)
     1.571.177.575      branch-misses             #    1,67% of all branches          (83,34%)

      91,219342601 seconds time elapsed

      91,079478000 seconds user
       0,063996000 seconds sys
d: 3    N:   5    possible keys:    1488000    autokey: 4    nr teste:     1953125
d: 3    N:  13    possible keys: 9726417792    autokey: 4    nr teste: 10604499373
time: 78s

 Performance counter stats for './hill_cipher':

         78.072,56 msec task-clock                #    1,000 CPUs utilized          
   315.655.551.124      cycles                    #    4,043 GHz                      (83,33%)
               274      context-switches          #    0,004 K/sec                  
                52      page-faults               #    0,001 K/sec                  
        21.543.133      cache-misses                                                  (83,33%)
   315.623.715.271      cycles                    #    4,043 GHz                      (66,67%)
   761.423.725.679      instructions              #    2,41  insn per cycle           (83,33%)
    57.487.582.295      branches                  #  736,335 M/sec                    (83,33%)
       418.093.257      branch-misses             #    0,73% of all branches          (83,33%)

      78,077203434 seconds time elapsed

      78,066022000 seconds user
       0,007999000 seconds sys

gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -m64 -O3 -flto -fPIC -Iinclude -c -o bin/release_64/obj/hill_cipher.o src/hill_cipher.cpp
gcc -g -m64 -O3 -flto -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Iinclude -o bin/release_64/hill_cipher  bin/release_64/obj/hill_cipher.o

d:3n:5个可能的键:1488000自动键:4nr测试:1832992;d:3 N:13个可能的键:9726417792自动键:4个测试:10562854484;时间:132秒;;d:3 N:5个可能的键:1488000自动键:4个测试:1953125;d:3 N:13个可能的键:9726417792自动键:4个测试:10604499373;时间:109s